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Terms of reference

Terms of reference for the Patient Safety Committee

  1. To promote safe, high quality women’s healthcare across the healthcare system, including NHS policy and guidance, national organisations and committees, and local services, and in response to our service users’, Fellows and Members’ interests and concerns.
  2. To recognise the quality of women’s healthcare transcends national boundaries and cultures, and all systems have benefits and challenges that can be shared. To that end the Committee seeks to ensure representation from across the four UK nations with linkage to its international counterparts.
  3. To respond to national reports, guidance and other requests for information related to patient safety in women’s healthcare. This will also include oversight of Prevention of Future Deaths Reports (Regulation 28).
  4. To oversee the development of RCOG Good Practice Papers.
  5. To oversee the work of the RCOG Consent Task and Finish group, ensuring its work to refresh RCOG Consent Advice is women centred and meets the needs of Fellows, Members and Trainees.
  6. To oversee the biennial RCOG event ‘Improving the Quality of Women’s Healthcare’, ensuring the programme is relevant and of interest to those working within women’s healthcare.
  7. Representation on the RCOG Clinical Quality Assurance Group and Clinical Quality Board.
  8. Representation on other national committees such as the Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) committee.
  9. To oversee the development and update of the College’s patient safety hub. To provide accountability that resources uploaded on to the webpages are credible, current and appropriate for the O&G Audience.
  10. To regularly oversee and update the National Recommendations Tracker