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Knowledge Area 10 Gynaecological problems

Capability in practice (CiP)

  • 1: The doctor is able to apply medical knowledge, clinical skills and professional values for the provision of high-quality and safe patient-centred care
  • 6: The doctor takes an active role in helping self and others to develop
  • 11: The doctor is competent in recognising, assessing and managing non-emergency gynaecology and early pregnancy care


Summary Knowledge Requirements


  • Anatomy, physiology and histopathology of the pituitary gland and female reproductive tract, including an understanding of changes at puberty, at menopause and during the menstrual cycle, including ovulation
  • Epidemiology, microbiology and therapeutics of benign gynaecological conditions, including infection
  • How to interpret results of commonly performed investigations for benign gynaecological conditions
  • Principles of medical and surgical management of gynaecological problems


  • Demonstrate knowledge of the aetiology, signs, symptoms, investigation and treatment of common gynaecological problems
  • Appreciate the influence of psychosocial factors on the presentation and management of gynaecological problems using a patient-centred approach


  • Demonstrate knowledge of the aetiology, signs, symptoms, investigation and treatment of common gynaecological problems
  • Appreciate the influence of psychosocial factors on the presentation and management of gynaecological problems using a patient-centred approach
  • Demonstrate your understanding of the importance of audit, clinical governance and taking informed consent


Detailed Knowledge Requirements

  • To understand the epidemiology, aetiology, biological behaviour, patho-physiology, clinical characteristics, prognostic features and management of Paediatric gynaecology
  • Able to describe the natural history of diseases and illnesses that run a chronic course
  • Have knowledge of long-term management plans for chronic conditions
  • Able to describe the anatomy and physiology of the vulva, and its variation between prepubertal, reproductive and post-menopausal state
  • To understand the epidemiology, aetiology, biological behaviour, patho-physiology, clinical characteristics, prognostic features and management of Menstrual Disorders: Menstrual irregularity, Excessive menstrual loss, Investigation of menstrual disorders, Medical and surgical management of menstrual disorders
  • To understand the epidemiology, aetiology, biological behaviour, patho-physiology, clinical characteristics, prognostic features and management of, Fibroids and Non menstrual bleeding (intermenstrual, postcoital)
  • To understand the epidemiology, aetiology, biological behaviour, patho-physiology, clinical characteristics, prognostic features and management of Problems of the climacteric: Abnormal bleeding, Postmenopausal bleeding, Hormone replacement therapy, Non-hormonal therapy, Osteopenia and osteoporosis, Breast cancer in relation to the climacteric
  • To understand the epidemiology, aetiology, biological behaviour, patho-physiology, clinical characteristics, prognostic features and management of Amenorrhoea and endocrine disorders: Investigation and interpretation, Hypothalamic/pituitary disorders, Hyperprolactinaemia, Premature ovarian insufficiency, Polycystic ovaries and polycystic ovary syndrome, Other causes of hyperandrogenism, Thyroid / adrenal disorders, Autoimmune endocrine disease, premenstrual syndrome
  • To understand the epidemiology, aetiology, biological behaviour, patho-physiology, clinical characteristics, prognostic features and management of Vulval disorders: Pruritus vulvae, Non-neoplastic cysts, Vulvodynia, Vulval pain, Lichens (sclerosus, simplex, chronicus and planus), Contact dermatitis, Psoriasis
  • To understand the epidemiology, aetiology, biological behaviour, patho-physiology, clinical characteristics, prognostic features and management of vaginal discharge (non sexually transmitted causes)
  • To understand the epidemiology, aetiology, biological behaviour, patho-physiology, clinical characteristics, prognostic features and management of Pelvic pain: Dysmenorrhoea, Dyspareunia, Endometriosis (staging, treatment), Pelvic inflammatory disease, Non-gynaecological disorders
  • To understand the epidemiology, aetiology, biological behaviour, patho-physiology, clinical characteristics, prognostic features and management of Benign ovarian neoplasms and Functional ovarian cysts
  • To understand the epidemiology, aetiology, biological behaviour, patho-physiology, clinical characteristics, prognostic features and management of Emergency gynaecology: Pelvic inflammatory disease, Bartholin's and vulval abscess, Ovarian cyst accidents, Acute vaginal bleeding outwith pregnancy, Miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy
  • To understand the epidemiology, aetiology, biological behaviour, patho-physiology, clinical characteristics, prognostic features and management of Congenital abnormalities of genital tract: Ambiguous genitalia, Imperforate hymen, Vaginal septae, Uterine anomalies, Mullerian duct development, Gonadal dysgenesis
  • To understand the epidemiology, aetiology, biological behaviour, patho-physiology, clinical characteristics, prognostic features and management of Puberty: Physiology and chronology, Precocious puberty, Delayed puberty, Excessive menstrual loss