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Contact us

How to get in touch with the RCOG

Phone and address

Tel: +44 20 7772 6200

Fax: +44 20 7723 0575

Address: 10-18 Union Street, London Bridge, SE1 1SZ

How to find us

We have now moved to our new building at Union Street, near London Bridge.

Directions for visiting the College at our new location

Frequent contacts

Press centre

Information and contact details for journalists and members of the media


Find contact details for the President and Vice Presidents

Submit a query

Please check our Frequently asked questions to see if your query is already answered on our website.

Find the right category below to ensure your query goes to the right team.


Submit a query about our MRCOG or DRCOG exams


Including CPD ePortfolio support


Submit a query to the RCOG Library team


Submit feedback or queries about our website

Account issues

What to do if you're having issues with log in, password reset, accessing benefits and other account issues

Other queries

If your query doesn't match any of the categories above, you can submit a general query.
