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Whatever the stage of your healthcare career, why not prove that your care and practice is of the highest professional standard? Find out more about our MRCOG and DRCOG assessments below.

MRCOG: Our specialty training exam

The RCOG’s membership exam is a three-part assessment intended for those who wish to join the UK Specialist Register. Find out more about the requirements and process here.

DRCOG: Our Diploma exam

This assessment is designed to give non-O&G specialists a qualification that proves their advanced knowledge of women’s healthcare. Read on to discover all the benefits of this Diploma.

Exam policies

You’ll find our examination policies detailed here, alongside instructions for moving forward with your appeal. The four policies and processes on this page include: appeals, complaints and special or extenuating circumstances.

Important MRCOG test centre information

All MRCOG Part 1 and Part 2 candidates should familiarise themselves with the guidance shared from the Pearson VUE exam test centres. Failure to comply with the guidance provided may result in you being refused entry to the exam. 
