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eJournals, eBooks and databases

In this section

The RCOG library holds a unique collection of journals, many of which are available electronically to Fellows, Members, Trainees, Associates and Affiliates.

As well as the eJournals, our online resources also include eBooks and databases.

eJournals and eBooks

Fellows, Members, registered Trainees, Associates and Affiliates can access eJournals, eBooks and databases.

These new or latest edition eBooks are now available:

  • Chestnut's Obstetric Anesthesia: Principles and Practice (6th edition)
  • Fetal Medicine: Basic Science and Clinical Practice (3rd edition)

Please sign in to our portal to access the eJournals, eBooks and Databases.

If you experience any issues, please let us know at  


If you have access to the official journals of the College, BJOG and TOG, as part of your membership package, you can access them via the links below:

How to download EBSCO eBooks with the Bluefire Reader app?

Follow the instructions on how to download eBooks:

Print collections

The RCOG library also contains many journals in print form: view the list of print journals in our collections.

We can provide copies of articles from our print collections on request through our document delivery service.

Contact us

If you have any questions, or need help accessing the eJournals, eBooks and databases, please contact the RCOG library team on  or +44 20 7772 6309.

