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Supporting us

Your donations and legacies enable us to continue our mission to transform woman’s healthcare.

Your hands on support, volunteering and the expertise you contribute is also invaluable.

Your donations

We are developing a new fundraising campaign for our new five-year strategy which will take us up to the 100th anniversary of the College. We want to work with our members and supporters to secure our vital work in transforming woman’s health care globally. We are developing a legacy and giving campaign to support this, to be launched this year – please watch this space.

Meanwhile, as we develop our new campaign, your donations continue to be vital. Any donation, no matter the amount, can help future generations of women and girls across the world to receive the very best care, support and information to protect their health.

Learn more about the impact of your donations.

Get involved with our work

There are lots of different ways you can be more hands-on with your support for the College. If you’re able to contribute healthcare expertise, teaching experience or your time as a fundraising volunteer, we’d be delighted to hear from you.

Find out more about the opportunities to get involved with our work.
