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Global Health Advisory Committee


Reporting mechanism


The Global Health Advisory Committee reports to the Global Health Board.

Key relationships

Global Health Board and Global Placements Committee.


This consortium of partners and stakeholders will act as the overarching advisory group for the Centre for Women’s Global Health, providing developmental advice and input into strategic decisions around new initiatives.

The Global Health Advisory Committee will report and provide advice to the Global Health Board. The Chair and members of the Committee will be agreed on by the VP Global Health, the Executive Director, Education and Quality and the Director, Global Development, and recruited through standard College process.

The main function and terms of reference of the Advisory Committee will be:

  • To identify individuals and organisations with expertise in women’s health care who could become strategic partners of the Centre for Women’s Global Health
  • To horizon scan to help identify and prioritise potential areas of need/gaps in women’s health care through the use of their networks and contacts
  • To help to identify potential stakeholders/partners to strengthen links and to promote collaborative working on programmes in-country and through funding support
  • To provide quality up-to-date information on global issues and global developments as they might affect the work of the Centre for Women’s Global Health
  • To bring relevant funding opportunities to the attention of the Centre for Women’s Global Health and, if necessary, work with the Centre to prepare grant applications
  • To ensure that there is the Centre for Women’s Global Health has set up robust methodologies for ensuring quality data is collected and correctly interpreted for each project
  • To provide advice and comments to the Centre for Women’s Global Health and to the Global Health Board on the quality, relevance and robustness of potential approaches for collaboration and partnership
  • To provide links to Ministries of Health in potential partner countries