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DRCOG: Expression of interest

For an opportunity to book into available spaces on the next DRCOG exam, candidates must first complete the Expression of Interest form below, within the required deadline for each exam.

Please check the ‘Calendar and Fees’ section of the ‘Book an exam’ page for details of timelines for upcoming exams.

A candidate must submit a new Expression of Interest form ahead of each exam sitting they would like an opportunity to book an exam place. Forms submitted for an opportunity to book a place on previous exams will not be valid.

Please check carefully and make sure your details are correct before submitting your form.


  • Before completing the form below, prospective candidates must have already created an RCOG online account. If you don’t already have an account with the RCOG website, first please register with the RCOG website.
  • Candidates must be registered with the General Medical Council (GMC) or the Medical Council of Ireland (MCI).
  • A completion of an Expression of Interest form does not guarantee a place on the next exam. Eligible candidates who have submitted an Expression of Interest will have an opportunity to book a place on the exam, when the booking window opens.
  • It is the candidate's responsibility to ensure that their College account number and email address provided in this form are correct and match their personal RCOG account information. If any details provided in this form do not meet this requirement, you will not be eligible to book a place on the next exam
  • Once a candidate has submitted the form they will be presented with a confirmation screen on their internet browser. We recommend candidates take a screenshot of this confirmation screen for their records. Please note, an email confirmation will not be sent upon form submission.
  • Eligible candidates who have successfully submitted an Expression of Interest form will receive an email on the opening of the application window with instructions on how to book an exam place at available Pearson VUE test centres.



Please also read the privacy statement below carefully.

Expression of Interest – DRCOG

Your unique account number with the College, as shown in your online account
This must match your registered email address with the RCOG

Privacy statement

In accordance with EU and UK data protection laws, the College will process personal data, by any means (including electronically), for the purpose of providing benefits and services and to carry out its day to day business.

Under Article 6. 1(f) and Article 9. 2(e) of the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR), the lawful basis used by the RCOG (or College) to process your personal data with regard to the MRCOG examinations is “legitimate interests”. The College’s exam system supplier, Pearson VUE, will only process your personal data for the purpose of providing the above mentioned benefits and services, in order to carry out its day to day business in full compliance with GDPR 2018 and the RCOG Data Protection Policy.

If you are registered or anticipate being registered with the GMC, then your personal data, including data about your examination results, will be passed to the GMC for quality assurance and for research purposes and to facilitate the awarding of certificates of completion of training (CCTs).

The College may also confirm your qualifications and membership to bona fide third parties including governmental and medical regulatory bodies, educational institutions, and prospective employers. For further information please contact

For more information about how we handle your personal data, including the RCOG Retention Schedule, and your individual rights, please see the RCOG Privacy Policy.

You can choose to not receive communications from the College relating to our activities, products and services at any time. You also have a right to access any personal data which the College holds and also the right to correct these data and to request for the data to be erased. For further information, please contact the Data Protection Team at

By submitting an Expression of Interest form, you agree to the following statements:

  • I have read and understood the RCOG privacy statement (above) and understand how my personal information will be handled and processed by them.
  • I confirm that I am not currently suspended or removed from medical practice by any authorising body or involved in disciplinary proceedings related to medical practice in any country