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2.3 What can I do to support the person being bullied or undermined?

  1. Using the ‘Calm, Space, Listen, Document, Avoid Gossip’ technique outlined in the previous section will support your colleague in the moment.
  2. Support them by telling them that what you have witnessed is wrong, and you believe it is bullying/undermining.
  3. Encourage your colleague to talk to someone they trust if they feel comfortable to in addition to yourself (friends/family). 
  4. Encourage them to visit Module 1 "I feel that I have been bullied or undermined" and utilise the advice on what to do and where to get support.
  5. Follow-up with them later down the line to see how they are.
  6. Being subjected to poor workplace behaviours is challenging.  You may want to signpost your colleague to resources to support their wellbeing too.