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Template person specification for an O&G consultant post

This page provides a template for the minimum requirements for a person specification for a consultant post in O&G. Additional information will be required for each specific post.

For items marked with an asterisk (*), it’s essential to use this exact wording.

Don’t put demands in the ‘essential’ category that could prevent you from appointing the best candidate, who may have the appropriate skills but whose certification may not have come through.

Definitions used in the person specification are as follows:

  • AAC: Advisory Appointments Committee
  • CCST: Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training
  • CCT: Certificate of Completion of Training
  • GMC: General Medical Council
  • GP: general practitioner

Qualifications and skills


  • Full GMC registration*
  • MRCOG or appropriate specialist registration*
  • Relevant CCT or equivalent (‘equivalence’ must be confirmed by GMC by date of AAC)*
  • Must be expecting to receive CCT within the next six months to be eligible for interview. All other candidates must already be on the GMC Specialist Register. 
  • Entry onto the DMC Specialist Register or eligibility for entry within 6 months of the date of the AAC*


  • Further higher degree (depends on post)

Clinical experience and effectiveness


  • Clinical training and experience in general obstetrics and gynaecology equivalent to that required for a UK CCST
  • Statement regarding appropriate training and experience, including that relating to a specialist interest


  • Additional clinical experience/training that may be required

Management and adminstrative experience


  • Evidence of management and administration experience

Teaching and training experience


  • Experience of supervising junior staff

Personal attributes


  • Good leadership skills
  • Ability to communicate effectively with colleagues, patients, relatives, GPs, nurses and other agencies
  • Enthusiasm and ability to work under pressure
  • Good organisational and management skills
  • Supportive and tolerant
  • Ability to work within a multidisciplinary team
  • Caring attitude to patients
  • Prepared to live within 10 miles or 30 minutes of the hospital


  • Completed ATSMs appropriate to the post