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Advertising, sponsorship and corporate opportunities

In this section

The RCOG can help you connect with our global network of 17,500 members and the wider O&G community.

We have a range of platforms that can help you to achieve commercial success and bring lasting relationships between the College, its Members and interested stakeholders.

We provide the means to portray key messages to a focused, influential audience, leaving a strong and lasting impression of your brand and organisation.

View the RCOG Corporate and Sponsorship brochure 

To discuss your organisation's opportunities further, please contact the Business Development team at  and on 020 7772 6490.

Events - sponsorship and exhibition opportunities

The College holds over 70 events each year covering a range of general and specialist topics within O&G. More than 5000 delegates and 1200 expert speakers attend our events each year.

Our events attract a wide range of delegates, including trainees, midwives, senior consultants and other professionals working in women’s health.

Find out more about RCOG event opportunities.

To discuss your requirements, contact the Business Development team on

Advertising opportunities

RCOG website

The official RCOG website is a premium destination for your advertising needs.

Each month the website has over 500,000 users, providing your organisation with a wide reach, focused audience.

Banner and side bar positions are available.

RCOG social media

RCOG has a 140,000 following on social media, engage with this audience through an advert on LinkedIn.

Member communications

Advertise in the weekly RCOG member’s email. This newsletter is sent out to 17,500 members each week. It has no more than 2 commercial advertisements, offering your organisation premium exposure

To discuss your requirements further, please contact the Business Development team: 

Digital education opportunities

Provide an Educational Resource for the RCOG eLearning platform

Your organisation can provide an educational resource, such as a pre-recorded webinar, educational video, previous event symposium to be hosted on the RCOG eLearning platform

Fund an RCOG eLearning tutorial

Provide dedicated funding to develop an RCOG eLearning tutorial. Your organisation will be supporting the education of healthcare professionals and improving patient outcomes.

To discuss further please contact the Corporate Development Manager, Natasha Hagenbuch: | 020 7772 6490

Become a corporate partner

Does your organisation support the improvement and development of Women’s Health?

Would your organisation like a longer term or bespoke partnership with the RCOG?

To discuss a bespoke partnership please contact Natasha Hagenbuch: | 020 7772 6490

Working with Industry policy

The working with industry policy provides clear guidance on how RCOG works with commercial organisations in the best interests of the College.

Read our policy here.
