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Statement from representative bodies for those working in maternity and neonatal services

As the representative bodies for those staff working in maternity and neonatal services, we broadly welcome and support the Immediate & Essential Actions set out in the Ockenden Report.

One of the key findings of the report was the challenges
around culture within workplaces, including between professionals. By coming together, we want to demonstrate – both to our tens of thousands of members and to the women and families in their care – that we are committed to change that culture for the better.

We are grateful to the Review Team for highlighting the issues we have all been raising for some time, particularly around workforce shortages and a lack of long-term, consistent investment. We commit to working collectively to influence politicians and decision-makers, at both a national and local level, to deliver the positive change that women, families and staff deserve.


Over the coming weeks, we will work with representatives of service user groups to ensure our response to the Immediate & Essential Actions is proportionate, deliverable and reflects the needs of all those working within and receiving care from maternity and neonatal services

