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Without the expert support from our membership, lay representatives and a broad range of volunteers, the College simply could not deliver its essential work

Volunteering with the RCOG is rewarding, supports career development, puts you at the forefront of vital work to improve women’s global healthcare and health rights and allows you to help shape future College priorities.

We want to ensure our members’ voices are represented in everything we do. Your expertise and insight are crucial in informing our decision making. There are a variety of rewarding ways to get involved, from long-term roles on committees and working groups to contributing to important consultations and surveys.

You can sign up here to receive regular communications on the latest opportunities.

Education, exams and professional development

To successfully raise the profile of women’s healthcare and raise the standards of professional practice globally, the RCOG delivers invaluable work in education, exams and professional development

Why get involved with our work

Volunteering with the RCOG is a rich and rewarding experience which offers a range of professional and personal benefits

Have your say

We frequently have opportunities for the RCOG membership, wider healthcare community and the public to get involved and help shape the future of women's healthcare

Global health

We promote best practice in women's healthcare, working with our membership to address the greatest barriers in access to quality care for women everywhere

Public facing roles

There are many ways for both members and the public to get involved in our work to contribute to our commitment to improving women’s healthcare

Council roles

Find out more about roles on RCOG Council, including President and Vice President positions, and current elections.


The College is governed by the Royal Charter, from which are derived the College Regulations, which guide the governance, management and business arrangements of the College. 

Support us

Your support has helped us achieve incredible things, find out how you can continue to support the RCOG.

Stay informed

Sign up to receive regular communications about the latest opportunities.

RCOG policies on equal opportunities and diversity

Please read our employment policies:

Contact us

If you have a query about committee and honorary post applications, please contact us:

For RCOG jobs, see our dedicated vacancies site.

If you are interested in any of these roles but don’t meet the eligibility criteria, please contact us at
