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On this page you will find information about how you can get involved in a diverse range of clinical quality work and projects

The RCOG are committed to excellence in all O&G practices, encouraging innovation in research and helping women and girls access accurate information about their health.

To do this, we rely on the specialist skills, knowledge and experiences of both our members and service users to help shape our work.

You can find out more about our Clinical Quality committees here.

Current clinical quality opportunities

Chronic Gynaecological Diseases Representative | Genomics Standing Committee

Responsibilities of the Chronic Gynaecological Diseases Representative include providing representation for the specialty of gynaecology, as well as contributing advice, updates and expertise around genomics activities in care for non-cancerous gynaecological conditions and raising awareness of key issues and debates in this area.

Application deadline: Thursday 13 March 2025

How volunteers contribute to our work

The profession

Our members play a vital role in the development of clinical guidance that set standards for high-quality women's healthcare.

This ranges from joining our guideline committees, informing our scientific advisory work to contributing to consultations, peer reviews and quality assurance.

Service users

The College collaborates with a range of stakeholders to ensure our patient information resources capture the views of women and people on the care they receive. Patient input is at the heart of everything we do.

What our volunteers say

Stay informed

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