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Fellow/Member Representative | Scientific Advisory Committee

Responsibilities of the Member Representative include reviewing Scientific Impact Papers at all stages of development, providing an expert view on if topics should be commissioned and submitting comments on papers and proposals in a timely manner. 

The Scientific Advisory Committee has a broad brief encompassing both basic and clinical science, including health services research. Its responsibilities include:

  • To 'horizon scan' and debate relevant scientific issues, including future developments of relevance to the specialty.
  • To produce regular Scientific Impact Papers for the membership as determined by the Clinical Quality Assurance Group and Clinical Quality Board.
  • To contribute to College responses on national policies and direction as determined by the Clinical Quality Board.

It meets four times a year (once in person at the London office, three times online via Microsoft Teams).

This appointment is for a three-year term beginning in June 2025 and will be appointed by application and aptitude test.

UK Fellows and Members are eligible to apply for this position.

Please see the role description, person specifications and other information at the bottom of the page.

How to apply

To apply, please complete the form via the button below. Once completed, you will be asked to share a CV with us via email to


Should you have any additional enquiries please email

Application deadline: Thursday 30 January 2025

What our volunteers say

Role description

Member Representative, Scientific Advisory Committee

Chair, RCOG Scientific Advisory Committee

Three years, commencing June 2025

The Scientific Advisory Committee has a broad brief encompassing both basic and clinical science, including health services research.

  1. To 'horizon scan' and debate relevant scientific issues, including future developments of relevance to the specialty.
  2. To produce regular Scientific Impact Papers for the membership as determined by the Clinical Quality Assurance Group and Clinical Quality Board.
  3. To contribute to College responses on national policies and direction as determined by the Clinical Quality Board.
  4. To react to requests for scientific advice from officers, committees, working parties and the RCOG membership.
  5. To advise officers and appropriate committees about future national and international scientific and clinical meetings and study groups

1. Scientific Impact Papers 

a) Review at all stages of development, to take overall responsibility for the content, accuracy and length, in particular, ensuring:

  • it is unbiased 
  • recommendations are realistic and can readily be implemented within the UK
  • language used is clear, unambiguous and can be understood by all O&G professionals, not just the specialist
  • it addresses the scope and does not address areas outside the scope
  • it is internally consistent
  • it is externally consistent with relevant RCOG, national or international guidance
  • references and underpinning evidence supporting the recommendations/statements are correct and of the highest quality available

b) Provide an expert view when deciding if topics should be commissioned or not.

c) Submit tabulated comments in a timely manner for every topic, even those outside your area of expertise.

d) If acting as a lead reviewer, to review all comments from the Committee before they are sent to the developers to address.

e) Liaise directly with developers as and when necessary and occasionally meet with them.

f) Suggest relevant stakeholders/interested parties to be invited to peer review.

g) Distil the peer review comments to ensure they are not biased or outside the scope and amend or delete as necessary.

h) Develop implementation tools, including but not limited to: topic summaries, infographics and video/audio abstracts.

i) Participate at press release stage.


2. External consultation documents

a) Review items sent to the Committee for review.

b) Provide a consensus opinion on behalf of the Committee.

c) Act as representative for specific projects or other initiatives.
Ensure the external advice is consistent with RCOG guidance.

  • Chair and other members of the Scientific Advisory Committee
  • Vice President for Clinical Quality
  • Director of Clinical Quality
  • Head of Quality Improvement, Clinical Quality
  • Guidance Developers, Clinical Quality
  • Members of the Clinical Quality Team
  • Executive Director of Education and Quality 

The Committee meets four times per year, and members are expected to attend all committee meetings unless in exceptional circumstances. One meeting per year is held in person at the College and the remaining three meetings are remote via Microsoft Teams.

There will also be a significant commitment outside of the meetings to deal with Committee matters and responses to consultations as required.

This role reflects the present requirements of the post. As duties and responsibilities change and develop the role description will be reviewed and be subject to amendment in consultation with the post holder.

The role description will be re-evaluated at the end of the term.

Person specification


  • Registered with a licence to practice with GMC, in good standing
    Substantive consultant in obstetrics and/or gynaecology in UK NHS practice
  • Subscribing members of the College (Member, Fellow or Associate)
  • Evidence of annual appraisal
  • At least one fully completed CPD cycle
  • Evidence of equal opportunities and diversity training within previous three years


  • Formal training or experience in healthcare management
  • Previous role as clinical manager such as departmental lead/clinical director


  • Experience of clinical guidance or journal article development


  • Developed RCOG clinical guidance/papers/journal articles
  • Peer reviewed RCOG clinical guidance/papers/journal articles
  • Implemented RCOG clinical guidance locally


  • Clear demonstration of a commitment to improving the quality and safety of women’s health relevant to the Scientific Advisory Committee
  • Conversant with the activities and reporting structure of the Scientific Advisory Committee
  • Understanding of the role of the Scientific Advisory Committee
  • Knowledge of the RCOG’s strategic plans
  • Good communicator as evidenced by past publications and presentations
  • Agreement from host organisation to be released to fulfil roles
  • Flexibility
  • To maintain confidentiality of items discussed
  • Prepared to respond rapidly to issues as they arise
  • Prepared to undertake work for the Committee outside of the Committee meetings
  • Detailed knowledge of current NHS and the Health and Social Care Act
  • Up to date with membership subscriptions
  • Of good standing with the College

CPD information

Information about the RCOG CPD Framework can be found here.

Committee Chair/Member/Course Convenors and Organisers

If within your committee role or work as course convenor or organiser you gain knowledge which enhances patient care or leadership and technical skills (including, for example, giving presentations, teaching sessions or mock examining) credits can be claimed as an ‘Experiential Learning Event’.

CPD users can now freely select and record the number of credits for all their CPD activities. For Experiential Learning Events, a Reflection is required to claim the selected credits. In addition, 1 or 2 credits can be claimed for an action following the learning (1 credit for a simple action, 2 credits for a complex action). To claim credits for an action, the individual needs to demonstrate how they have applied their learning to their practice, the service they provide and/or the potential impact of the learning.

For those who prefer to follow RCOG recommendations, the CPD Framework still provides a suggested number of credits that can be claimed for different CPD activities.

Further information can be found in the RCOG CPD Framework document.

Terms of reference

The purpose of the Scientific Advisory Committee is to advise the College on scientific issues, principally – though not exclusively –  through the production of high quality Scientific Impact Papers, which add value to the membership of the RCOG.

  • To manage the development, updating and publication of Scientific Impact Papers as determined by the Clinical Quality Assurance Group and Clinical Quality Board.
  • To quality assure the enhanced content based on Scientific Impact Papers.
  • To ‘Horizon scan’ and debate relevant scientific issues, including future developments of relevance to the specialty.
  • Contribute to College responses on national policies and direction as determined by the CQB.
  • Respond to requests for scientific advice from RCOG officers, committees, working parties and Fellows/Members of the College.
  • Advise Officers and appropriate committees on future national and international scientific and clinical meetings and study groups.
  • Representation on the RCOG Clinical Quality Assurance Group and Clinical Quality Board.

Committee membership will include representation from RCOG Fellows and Members, including Trainees, with expertise across the specialty, as well as lay representation from the RCOG Women’s Network.

The Committee will co-opt additional members, including those with expertise in genetics, neonatology and science.

Internal RCOG staff attending Guidelines Committee meetings to include: Guidance Editorial Manager, Head of Quality Improvement, and the Director of Clinical Quality.

A quorum for the meeting will be three RCOG Fellows and Members representatives, plus one of the Chairs/ vice-Chairs.

Members should commit their presence within the Committee by:

  • Submitting comments promptly on Scientific Impact Papers throughout the development process where requested. (If members of the committee do not submit comments ahead of two meetings within a 12-month period they will be contacted by the Chair.)
  • Being responsive to other requests for opinions on matters arising between meetings.
  • Understanding the sensitive nature of the Committee’s work and making sure trust and respect is maintained by constructive discussion and challenge.
  • Submitting declarations of interest as requested. A provision has been made for the core membership to declare any interests, along with a register that is retained for each meeting. 

The Committee will adhere to the RCOG policies and meetings will be held quarterly.

One meeting a year will be held at the Union Street College building (with Microsoft Teams provision for those unable to travel).

All other meetings will be fully virtual meetings via Microsoft Teams.

Members of the Committee may request an extraordinary meeting if urgent matters arise.

If members of the Committee are unable to attend for two meetings within a 12-month period they will be contacted by the Chair.

The Scientific Advisory Committee reports to the Clinical Quality Board, via the sharing of minutes and Chair/Vice-Chair representation at these Board meetings.

Actions and summarised minutes will be circulated to members within four weeks of a meeting. 

Please send all correspondence to the committee secretary (

Chair Katie Morris
Vice-Chair Saladin Sawan
Vice-Chair Victoria Bills
Scientific Representative Philippa Saunders
Genetics Representative Muriel Holder
F&M Representative Fionnuala Mone
F&M Representative Siobhan Quenby
F&M Representative Junaid Rafi
F&M Representative Gemma Cass
F&M Representative Rhona Kearney
F&M Representative Lisa Story
F&M Representative Steve Thornton
F&M Representative Lisa Webber
Neonatologist Representative Aung Soe
Trainees Representative Hajra Khattak
Women's Network Representative Sarah Milosevic
Vice President, Clinical Quality  Geeta Kumar
Senior Director, Clinical Quality Dan Wolstenholme
Editorial Manager, RCOG Laura Dean-Osgood
CQ Administrator Lisa Burke
Head of Quality Improvement, Clinical Quality, RCOG Louise Thomas
Why get involved with our work

Volunteering with the RCOG is a rich and rewarding experience which offers a range of professional and personal benefits:

  • Professional recognition
  • Build networks and friendships
  • Career development
  • Make meaningful change
  • Wellbeing