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Maternal Medicine/Urogynaecology Representatives | Genomics Standing Committee

We are currently recruiting for two roles on the Genomics Standing Committee:

  • Maternal Medicine Representative
  • Urogynaecology Representative

Responsibilities of the Maternal Medicine Representative include providing representation for the maternal medicine subspecialty on the RCOG Genomics Standing Committee, supplying updates on genomics activities in the subspecialty as well as raising awareness of key issues and debates. 

Responsibilities of the Urogynaecology Representative include providing representation for the urogynaecology subspecialty as well as contributing advice, updates and expertise around genomics activities in care for non-cancerous gynaecological conditions and raising awareness of key issues and debates in this area. 

The Genomics Standing Committee is a new committee responsible for facilitating the establishment of and advising the RCOG in fostering genomics expertise within the discipline of obstetrics, gynaecology and urogynaecology, guiding the development of a strategy to impart the understanding of genomics across the RCOG membership and advising the RCOG on all genomics matters and meets four times a year remotely.

This appointment is for a three year term beginning in September 2024 and will be appointed by application and interview.

UK Fellows and Members, or SAS doctors are eligible to apply for this position.

Please see the role description, person specifications, and other information at the bottom of the page.

How to apply

To apply, please complete the form via the button below. Once completed, you will be asked to share a CV with us via email to


Should you have any additional enquiries please email

Application deadline: Friday 5 July 2024

Interview date: tbc

Role description

Maternal Medicine/Urogynaecology Representative, RCOG Genomics Standing Committee

Chair, Genomics Standing Committee

Three years from September 2024. Possibility for a one year extension by mutual agreement.

The purpose of the RCOG Genomics Standing Committee is to promote, support and implement genomics education in obstetrics, gynaecology and urogynaecology. 

This new committee will facilitate the establishment of and advise the RCOG in fostering genomics expertise within the discipline of obstetrics, gynaecology and urogynaecology, guide the development of a strategy to impart the understanding of genomics across the RCOG membership and advise the RCOG on all matters regarding genomics including service development, standards for clinical care, education, consent and confidentiality and delivering genomics through clinical practice and research.

The committee will meet remotely four times a year. The first meeting which is expected to take place in September 2024 will be a hybrid meeting. An initial group of core members will review the terms of reference and discuss the additional membership and representation required to ensure effective delivery of the committee’s objectives and activities. 

The Genomics Standing Committee is organised by the Clinical Quality team and falls within the wider Education and Quality Directorate. Committee secretarial support is provided from within Clinical Quality.

The committee reports to the RCOG Clinical Quality Board (CQB). Committee minutes are also shared with the CQB.

The main duties of the Genomics Standing Committee Maternal Medicine or Urogynaecology Representative are to:

  • Provide updates to the committee around genomics activities in the Maternal Medicine/urogynaecology subspecialty
  • Raise awareness with the committee of issues and debates relating to genomics within the maternal medicine/urogynaecology subspecialty
  • Assist with the development of a strategy and associated activities to embed and advance genomics expertise in obstetrics and gynaecology/urogynaecology
  • Carry out committee duties and duties aligned with the genomics activity assigned by the Chair
  • To respond to all enquiries and correspondence from College Officers, Fellows and Members, and outside bodies, relating to genomics in maternal medicine/urogynaecology as and when they arise.
  • Contribute maternal medicine/urogynaecology expertise towards College responses to relevant consultation documents around genomics from external bodies
  • To keep under review and advise on adequate inclusion of genomics from a maternal medicine/urogynaecology perspective in educational and training material produced by the RCOG.
  • Where appropriate, seek advice and opinions about particular issues from individuals, stakeholders and experts from the maternal medicine/urogynaecology subspecialty to disseminate to the committee
  • Work with the Committee Secretary, Committee Chair and Committee Members to organise the content of the biannual RCOG genomics study day event
  • Perform any other duties necessary in fulfilling the Genomics Standing Committee Maternal Medicine/Urogynaecology Representative role
  • Chair, Genomics Standing Committee
  • RCOG Genomics Standing Committee members
  • Committee Secretary

Genomics Standing Committee (four remote meetings a year at three hours for each meeting, the first committee meeting will be a hybrid meeting).

The Maternal Medicine/Urogynaecology Representative is expected to:

  • Read the agenda and papers in advance of meetings
  • Attend all meetings where possible
  • Deliver updates in meetings and raise relevant issues around genomics in the maternal medicine/urogynaecology subspecialty 
  • Participate in discussions during the meeting

Outside of meetings:

  • Comment on issues relating to genomics in the maternal medicine/urogynaecology oncology subspecialty promptly via email when requested 
  • In between meetings, work to continue activities allocated by the chair with other committee members
  • Other activities as required to deal with committee matters, queries and responses to consultations

This role reflects the present requirements of the post. As duties and responsibilities change and develop the role description will be reviewed and be subject to amendment in consultation with the post holder.

The role description will be re-evaluated at the end of the term. 

A new representative will be appointed three - six months before the end of the current holder's term of office and they should work together during this time in order to facilitate a smooth takeover period.

Person specification


  • Registered with a licence to practise with GMC, in good standing
  • For the Maternal Medicine Representative role: Consultant in obstetrics or obstetrics and gynaecology in UK NHS Practice and subspecialty accredited
  • For the Urogynaecology Representative role: Consultant in obstetrics or obstetrics and urogynaecology in UK NHS Practice and subspecialty accredited
  • Clear demonstration of a commitment to improving women’s health relevant to genomics
  • Evidence of annual appraisal
  • Evidence of equal opportunities and diversity training within previous three years


  • Involvement in genomics activities to improve women’s health care locally and/or nationally


  • An enthusiasm for the development of genomics research, training and education and its support through appropriate representation and meetings and the time commitment as specified above
  • Conversant with RCOG Genomics activities
  • Knowledge, experience and understanding of the role of genomics in obstetrics and gynaecology/urogynaecology and key issues
  • Organised with good communication skills
  • Flexibility
  • Prepared to respond rapidly to issues as they arise
  • Knowledge of the current NHS Genomics Strategy
  • The ability to liaise effectively with committee members, College Officers, Fellows and Members, Trainees, academics and other stakeholders concerned with genomics
  • Prepared to undertake work for the committee, outside of meetings
  • Can maintain confidentiality
  • Agreement from host organisation to be released to fulfil role
  • Up to date with College membership subscriptions

CPD information

The 2019 RCOG CPD Guide can be found here.

Committee Chair/Member/Course Convenors and Organisers

If within your committee role or work as course convenor or organiser you gain knowledge which enhances patient care or leadership and technical skills (including for example, giving presentations, teaching sessions or mock examining) credits can be claimed as an ‘Experiential Learning Event’.

Reflection is required to claim credits for an Experiential Learning Event. 2 CPD credits are claimable following reflection. In addition 1 or 2 credits are claimable for an action following the learning (1 credit for a simple action, 2 credits for a complex action). To claim credits for an action, the individual needs to demonstrate how they have applied their learning to their practice, the service they provide and/or the potential impact of the learning.

If you are still using the previous CPD ePortfolio, you can record any new learning that you gain within this role under ‘Reflective Learning’ in the personal/professional CPD category. For some specific activities, credits can be claimed without reflection*.


1 credit per hour in the national/international category for giving teaching sessions or leading a workshop on a course

5 credits in the national/international category for giving a formal presentation on a course

1 credit per hour in the national/international category for mock examining

A maximum of 25 credits in each five-year cycle applies for all presentations/teachings sessions given at national/international courses or conferences, and for formal and mock examining.

Terms of reference

The purpose of the committee is to promote, support and implement genomics education in obstetrics and gynaecology/urogynaecology. 

The duties and responsibilities of the committee are to:

  • Advise the RCOG, make recommendations on and review all matters regarding genomics, which are within the remit of the College. This is including but not limited to service development, standards for clinical care, education, consent and confidentiality and delivering genomics through clinical practice and research
  • Facilitate and advise the RCOG on the establishment of genomics expertise within the discipline of obstetrics and gynaecology/urogynaecology
  • Advise, review and make recommendations on RCOG responses to government and other bodies on policy and service issues related to genomics in obstetrics and gynaecology/urogynaecology
  • Develop, promote and support educational activities related to genomics for RCOG to impart genomics knowledge and understanding across the RCOG membership
  • Promote and support the education of the wider health professional workforce in genomics
  • Develop, promote and support innovation and research in genomics
  • Promote, safeguard and maintain an overview of all aspects of genomics in academic obstetrics and gynaecology/urogynaecology including curricula, research and research training, undergraduate teaching and learning and postgraduate training
  • Provide representation for the RCOG and report the views of the RCOG on matters relating to genomics to relevant stakeholders
  • Promote and support the highest standards of practice in both clinical and laboratory applications of genomics in obstetrics and gynaecology/urogynaecology
  • Promote standardisation of genomics practices in obstetrics and gynaecology/urogynaecology
  • Provide a forum between the RCOG and other stakeholders for developing a consensus view on matters related to genomics
  • Organise working groups on specific topics in genomics of particular importance

The committee will undertake these duties in line with regulations and other governing documents, and legal and regulatory requirements.

Core membership

  • Chair
  • Urogynaecology Representative
  • Gynaecological Oncology Representative
  • Reproductive Medicine Representative
  • Fetal Medicine Representative
  • Maternal Medicine Representative
  • RCOG Trainee Representative
  • RCOG SAS /LED Representative
  • RCOG Women’s Voices/Women’s Network Representative

Membership will be reviewed and developed by core members to ensure effective delivery of committee objectives and activities.


  • RCOG Vice President Academia and Strategy 
  • RCOG Executive Director, Education and Quality
  • RCOG Director Clinical Quality
  • RCOG Director, Policy
  • RCOG Director, Communications
  • RCOG Director of Education
  • Committee Secretary

The committee shall meet at least four times each year remotely with a time/date agreed in advance. The first meeting of this committee will be a hybrid meeting.

The committee shall report to the Clinical Quality Board via the sharing of meeting minutes by the Committee Secretary and attendance from the Chair at Clinical Quality Board meetings.

The Committee Secretary will ensure that information and papers are received in a timely manner to enable full and proper consideration to be given to the issues.

The Committee Secretary shall minute the proceedings, resolutions and actions at all meetings, including the names of those present and in attendance.

Draft and approved minutes shall be circulated to all committee members.

The following quorate attendance is required in order for a decision to be made:

  • The Chair and the RCOG Executive Director, Education and Quality or RCOG Director of Clinical Quality
  • A minimum number of five committee members

The committee shall at least annually, review its terms of reference to ensure it is operating at maximum effectiveness and recommend any changes it considers necessary to the Clinical Quality Board.

Why get involved with our work

Volunteering with the RCOG is a rich and rewarding experience which offers a range of professional and personal benefits:

  • Professional recognition
  • Build networks and friendships
  • Career development
  • Make meaningful change
  • Wellbeing