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Lead Developer | Green-top Guideline no. 53 Female Genital Mutilation and its Management

The RCOG is recruiting an expert in this field to take on the important role leading the update of its guideline on Female Genital Mutilation.

This guideline is now due for a partial revision, focussing on reconstructive surgery.

Applicants must have appropriate methodological expertise in guideline development, experience of critically appraising the evidence and have and have expertise in a relevant clinical area.

If appointed, you may wish to nominate co-developers to support you in undertaking the partial update. Co-developers must also be experts in a relevant field and be able to work effectively as part of a team to undertake this update.

The Guidelines Committee and the RCOG Guidance team will provide support and guidance throughout the development of the guideline.

Main responsibilities

  1. Reviewing the title and abstracts retrieved from the most recent literature search performed by the RCOG library
  2. Drafting the content of the guidance, including; critically appraising the current literature, updating relevant sections of the guidance and updating or developing evidence-based recommendations
  3. Responding to comments on the updates from the RCOG Guidelines Committee, external stakeholders and the Clinical Quality Assurance Groups within the expected time lines outlined by the RCOG

How to apply

To apply, please complete the form via the button below. Once completed, you will be asked to share a CV with us via email to


Should you have any additional enquiries please email

Application deadline: Tuesday 23 July 2024

What our volunteers say

Role description

Lead Developer for partial update of Green-top Guideline no. 53 Female Genital Mutilation and its Management

Guidelines Committee

24 months from appointment

The RCOG is seeking an expert in the field of female genital mutilation, specifically on reconstructive surgery. They will be recruited to update the Female Genital Mutilation and its Management Green-top Guideline no. 53 for which a partial update focussing on reconstructive surgery had been agreed.

Applicants must have appropriate methodological expertise in guideline development, experience of critically appraising the evidence and have expertise in a relevant clinical area.

The lead developer is responsible for nominating a team of co-developers and leading their work on the update of the Female Genital Mutilation and its Management guideline, including:

  • Reviewing the title and abstracts retrieved from the most recent literature search performed by the RCOG library
  • Drafting the content of the guidance, including; critically appraising the current literature, updating relevant sections of the guidance and updating or developing evidence-based recommendations
  • Responding to comments on the updates from the RCOG Guidelines Committee, external stakeholders and the Clinical Quality Assurance Groups within the expected time lines outlined by the RCOG

The document Developing a Green-top Guideline: guidance for developers is available to assist and guide the development of Green-top Guidelines. We have achieved NICE accreditation for this method.

  • Guidance Editorial Manager, RCOG
  • Guidelines Committee co-Chairs
  • Guidelines Committee Lead Reviewers
  • Vice President for Clinical Quality

The initial sift and appraisal of evidence retrieved from the literature search is expected to take three months.

The update of relevant sections of the guideline should take between 12 and 15 months depending on the extent of the update.

The volume of work will vary depending on the stage of development, and the review by the Guidelines Committee and external stakeholders following consultation.

You will be expected to produce a series of drafts for review by the Guidelines Committee, addressing committee comments at each stage. A detailed process map can be found at the back of this document.

Travel is not required for this role. Support will be provided remotely via e-mail, Microsoft Teams and telephone.

This role is not remunerated.

Developers who are no longer able to fulfil their commitments may resign from their role via formal notification to the Guidance Editorial Manager, RCOG. Ideally, a notice period of three months will be required to allow sufficient time to identify a replacement developer.

If in the rare  occasion  the  Guidelines Committee  feel  that  the  guideline  is  not  developing  at  a  reasonable pace,  new developers will be sought.

This role reflects the present requirements of the post. As duties and responsibilities change and develop the role description will be reviewed and be subject to amendment in consultation with the post holder(s).

Person specification


  • Member of the RCOG or respective College
  • GMC Registered Medical Practitioner and in good standing with the GMC
  • In active clinical practice, out of programme for experience/research, or retired within the previous three years
  • Up to date with continuing professional development
  • Have the necessary commitment and time to take part in the full development process
  • Normally resident in the UK
  • Able to demonstrate detailed knowledge of national and professional service standards, publications and their application
  • Demonstrate commitment to risk management


  • Developed or implemented guidance locally


  • Published scientific material
  • Good communicator and excellent writing skills as evidenced by past publications and presentations
  • Ability to gather data, analyse, critique and synthesise complex information, as evidenced by relevant experience and/or academic qualifications
  • An understanding of research methods including critical appraisal, systematic reviewing and meta-analysis
  • Prepared to respond rapidly to issues as they arise
  • Prepared to commit to the workload and time required to develop this guideline including meeting deadlines for guidance drafts agreed with the Guidance Editorial Manager
  • Prior experience of a leadership role
  • Detailed knowledge of current NHS

CPD information

The 2019 RCOG CPD Guide can be found here.

Committee Chair/Member/Course Convenors and Organisers

If within your committee role or work as course convenor or organiser you gain knowledge which enhances patient care or leadership and technical skills (including for example, giving presentations, teaching sessions or mock examining) credits can be claimed as an ‘Experiential Learning Event’.

Reflection is required to claim credits for an Experiential Learning Event. 2 CPD credits are claimable following reflection. In addition 1 or 2 credits are claimable for an action following the learning (1 credit for a simple action, 2 credits for a complex action). To claim credits for an action, the individual needs to demonstrate how they have applied their learning to their practice, the service they provide and/or the potential impact of the learning.

You can gain 5 CPD credits for developing a national guideline.

Why get involved with our work

Volunteering with the RCOG is a rich and rewarding experience which offers a range of professional and personal benefits:

  • Professional recognition
  • Build networks and friendships
  • Career development
  • Make meaningful change
  • Wellbeing