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Council vacancies

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) has announced its 2024 Council election results with five new regional Members' Representatives elected.

Open roles

There are currently no open roles.

You can read more about the RCOG Council, including terms of reference and meeting dates. Please also see the RCOG Regulations, which guide the governance, management and business arrangements of the College.

Why stand for Council

To help us make the best decisions that work for the benefit of our members and the quality of maternity and gynaecological care in the UK and around the world, we need a wide range of skills, experience and knowledge within our Council. The RCOG’s Council consists of 33 elected Fellow and Member representatives from all of the UK, ROI regional constituencies, as well as our international regions. Each Council member plays a key role in the development and implementation of our policy and strategy, contributes to our work and represents the views of their constituents.

Working with Officers, Trustees and Council colleagues, and supported by our dedicated and expert staff, these roles will put you at the heart of the College offering you the opportunity to influence local, national and international policy.

To be truly democratic we need to be representative of all the communities and constituencies we represent. We value diversity and recognise how important it is that our Council reflects both the diverse specialty of our members as well as the populations they serve. As an inclusive organisation, our members’ participation is essential; it helps us to remain relevant to our membership and the women we serve.

Being a member of Council is a wonderful opportunity to get involved with a wide range of projects across the RCOG, and to ensure your colleagues’ voices are represented in the College’s decisions.

Several past Council members have shared their experiences, which we hope will inspire you to put yourself forward:

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

The RCOG Regulations Section 1.1 state that “Active Practice” in respect of a Fellow or Member, she or he:

  1. has a valid licence to practise as a medical practitioner from the UK General Medical Council or the Medical Council of Ireland (or any statutory successor to such bodies); and
  2. is engaged as a medical practitioner in the UK or the Republic of Ireland in the practice of obstetrics and/or gynaecology for which a licence to practice is required in terms of (i) above; and
  3. is not in arrears with her or his subscription to the College

A person shall only be eligible to be a candidate for an Elected member if she or he is in Active Practice throughout the period from the date of her or his nomination to the date of taking office. 


RCOG Regulations state that any Member elected to Council shall serve a term of four years in office. After this, the Member is not eligible for re-election to Council unless they become a Fellow of the College, at which point they are eligible to be elected as a Fellow representative.


Fellows elected to Council serve a three-year term in office. After this term, they may stand for re-election as a Fellow for one further term of three years.


Officers retiring from Council are eligible to stand for election as a Member or Fellow representative, but only after three years have elapsed from the end of their Officer term.

Please see RCOG regulations 8.1-8.2 and 10.23.

Contact us

If you have any questions about the process, please contact:
