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Council elections 2025

The College has now launched elections for 18 seats on the RCOG Council. Eligible members are invited to submit their election nominations by midday on Wednesday 23 April 2025.


About the role

To help us make the best decisions that work for the benefit of our members and the quality of maternity and gynaecological care in the UK and around the world, we need a wide range of skills, experience and knowledge within our Council.

The RCOG’s Council consists of 33 elected Fellow and Member representatives from all of the UK, ROI regional constituencies, as well as our international regions.

As a Councillor you will:

  • advocate for the College and the profession and take an active role in the College including attending Council meetings and relevant committee meetings.
  • be responsible, as part of Council, for developing, reinforcing and championing College policies and activities on clinical and professional matters for women’s health and will promote the College’s aim 'to set standards to improve women's health and the clinical practice of obstetrics and gynaecology in the British Isles and across the world'.
  • be the conduit of communication between your constituents and the College and represent your constituents’ voice on Council.
  • respond to local issues on behalf of and in collaboration with the College and raise key issues with the College on behalf of your region. Equally you will present the College’s position and priorities back to your constituents.
  • engage with your constituents, encouraging them to take part in College activities both locally and at the RCOG.

This is a high profile and rewarding role with significant opportunities to develop influential regional networks with a high level of members’ engagement that brings about change locally and nationally.


As an inclusive College, we want to ensure the makeup of our Council is consistent with the communities and constituencies we represent, reflecting the diversity of our membership as well as the populations they serve.

We currently have 18 vacancies for the following representative seats. Fellows and Members belonging to the named constituencies and who fulfil the College’s eligibility criteria (detailed below) are invited to stand for election.



Current vacancies

London: North, Central, East and North West


East of England


South West


North West


Kent, Surrey and Sussex


Thames Valley and Wessex


East Midlands






Ireland – Republic of Ireland


Ireland – Northern Ireland


Middle East and North Africa


America/Australasia/Pacific Rim


Sub-Saharan Africa


South Asia





Current vacancies

West Midlands


East Midlands



*Indicates that the current representative is standing for re-election


RCOG members standing for election to Council as a UK/ROI Fellow or Member Regional Representative must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • To be a Fellow or Member of the College, whose main or principal appointment is in the same constituency as the vacancy for which they are applying
  • To be in active practice, up to and including the date of installation of new Council representatives
  • To be up to date with their RCOG membership subscription
  • If standing for election for a vacant Member’s post, to be nominated in writing by three Members of the same constituency, all of whom must be up to date with their membership subscription
  • If standing for election for a vacant Fellow’s post, to be nominated in writing by three Fellows of the same constituency, all of whom must be up to date with their membership subscription

RCOG members standing for election to Council as an International Representative must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • To be a Fellow in active practice in the UK or Republic of Ireland up to and including the date of installation of new Council representatives
  • To be up to date with their RCOG membership subscription
  • To be nominated in writing by three Fellows or Members of the College, all of whom must be up to date with their membership subscription

Please note that a person may only be nominated as a candidate for one Constituency in any one year. 


Role description

The role description below includes information about the responsibilities, time commitment and eligibility of RCOG Council members.

You can read more about the RCOG Council, including terms of reference and meeting dates here. Please also see the RCOG Regulations, which guide the governance, management and business arrangements of the College.

All members of Council must undertake to abide by the RCOG Code of Conduct.


Why stand for Council?

Being a member of Council is a wonderful opportunity to get involved with a wide range of projects across the RCOG, and to ensure your colleagues’ voices are represented in the College’s decisions.

Several past Council members have shared their experiences, which we hope will inspire you to put yourself forward:

How to apply

Candidates for these vacancies must email their completed nomination to RCOGelections@RCOG.ORG.UK by 12pm on Wednesday 23 April 2025. The documents required are as follows:

  • Candidate nomination form
  • Declaration of interests and good standing
  • Curriculum vitae form
  • Photograph

Please note that late and/or incomplete submissions will not be accepted.

To request a nomination form, please email RCOGelections@RCOG.ORG.UK including your name and RCOG membership number.

Voting process

The ballots will be circulated electronically by CES (Civica Election Services) according to the timeline set out below to:

  • All Members (MRCOG) in West Midlands
  • All Members (MRCOG) in East Midlands 
  • All Fellows (FRCOG) in London: North, Central, East and North West
  • All Fellows (FRCOG) in East of England
  • All Fellows (FRCOG) in South West
  • All Fellows (FRCOG) in North West
  • All Fellows (FRCOG) in Kent. Surrey and Sussex
  • All Fellows (FRCOG) in Thames Valley and Wessex
  • All Fellows (FRCOG) in East Midlands
  • All Fellows (FRCOG) in Scotland
  • All Fellows (FRCOG) in Wales
  • All Fellows (FRCOG) in Ireland – Republic of Ireland
  • All Fellows (FRCOG) in Ireland – Northern Ireland
  • All Members (MRCOG) and Fellows (FRCOG) in Middle East and North Africa
  • All Members (MRCOG) and Fellows (FRCOG) in America/Australasia/Pacific Rim
  • All Members (MRCOG) and Fellows (FRCOG) in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • All Members (MRCOG) and Fellows (FRCOG) in South Asia

Only those ballots from Fellows and Members who are up to date or exempt from paying subscriptions will be included in the election process. Please note, all those nominating Fellows and Members for Council position must also be update to date or exempt from paying subscriptions.

The elections are held using the single transferable vote system.

Please note no Fellow or Member may canvass for election to Council other than through the nomination form approved by Council.

The RCOG Chief Executive is the Returning Officer and has ultimate responsibility for the Council election process.



Wednesday 23 April at 12pm Closing date for receipt of nominations
Tuesday 27 May Ballots circulated by CES
Thursday 26 June Closing date for receipt of ballots
Thursday 3 July Votes counted by CES
Friday 4 July Results announced and new members take office
Thursday 4 September Induction for new Council members
Friday 12 September Attendance at first Council meeting

Contact us

If you have any questions about the process, please contact:


Tel: +44 20 7772 6345

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

The RCOG Regulations Section 1.1 state that “Active Practice” in respect of a Fellow or Member that she or he:

  1. has a valid licence to practise as a medical practitioner from the UK General Medical Council or the Medical Council of Ireland (or any statutory successor to such bodies); and
  2. is engaged as a medical practitioner in the UK or the Republic of Ireland in the practice of obstetrics and/or gynaecology for which a licence to practice is required in terms of (1.) above; and
  3. is not in arrears with her or his subscription to the College

A person shall only be eligible to be a candidate for an elected member position if she or he is in active practice throughout the period from the date of her or his nomination to the date of taking office. 

Yes. The College will accept either scanned signatures or a digital signature in place of a hand-signed document. The College will not accept a simple typed signature.

Please see an explanation of single transferable voting here.

Different rules apply for Fellows, Members and Officers.


Fellows elected to Council serve a three-year term in office. After this term, they may stand for re-election as a Fellow for one further term of three years.


RCOG Regulations state that any Member elected to Council shall serve a term of four years in office. After this, the Member is not eligible for re-election to Council unless they become a Fellow of the College, at which point they are eligible to be elected as a Fellow representative.


Officers retiring from Council are eligible to stand for election as a Member or Fellow representative, but only after three years have elapsed from the end of their Officer term.

Please see RCOG regulations 8.1-8.2 and 10.23.
