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Vice President election

The College has elected five new Vice Presidents, who took office in December 2022. 

The RCOG is delighted to announce the newly elected Vice Presidents, listed alphabetically by surname below:

  • Hipple, Laura
  • Khalil, Asma
  • Kumar, Geeta
  • Scudamore, Ian
  • Shehata, Hassan

The new Vice Presidents were elected by a ballot of eligible Council members at a meeting on Friday 16 September 2022. In light of the national mourning period, the election result announcement was postponed until Tuesday 20 September 2022.

The new Vice Presidents-Elect will take office in December of this year, alongside the President-Elect.

The role of the Vice Presidents

The Council elects five Vice Presidents (Officers), who will support the President-Elect in ensuring that the College’s long-term priorities and goals are firmly aligned with its core mission: to advance the O&G specialty and champion women’s health.

The Vice Presidents are senior Officers of the RCOG Council, and occupy an honorary role within the College’s leadership. They are ambassadors for the global community of obstetricians and gynaecologists and professional leaders within the specialty. Working alongside the President, the Officers contribute their personal and professional expertise to help maintain the College’s standards of clinical excellence.

Over a three-year term, commencing on 9 December, the newly elected Officers will support the College to achieve its ambitious five-year strategy, work with beneficiaries in the UK and globally, and deliver its strategic goals for 2020-25.

Each Vice President provides clinical leadership for their own individual portfolio, which is discussed and agreed with Council and the President-Elect. Portfolios vary depending on the College’s current priorities, but could include Global Health, Education, Clinical Quality, Strategic Development, UK Affairs, Membership and Clinical Services, among others. Given this variety of activity, all prospective candidates are asked to demonstrate their overall suitability for the general Vice President role, rather than applying for any particular portfolio.


Wednesday 29 June

Nominations open

Wednesday 3 August

Nominations close

Wednesday 10 August

Nominees confirmed

Thursday 25 August

Launch of online candidate profiles

Friday 16 September

Ballot at Council 

Tuesday 20 September

Declaration of result

Friday 9 December

Commence in post


Election process

Candidates for the role of Vice President were required to obtain nominations from three RCOG Fellows or Members in good standing, as well as submitting a portfolio of documents evidencing their suitability for the role (as detailed in the nomination form and Election Guidance). Further details are available in the RCOG Regulations (PDF).

Nominations for the 2022 election closed on Wednesday 3 August at 5pm.

Online candidate profiles were then launched in August, for review by voting Council members and the wider RCOG Membership. Elections took place on Friday 16 September by a ballot of eligible Council members.

Who is eligible to stand for Vice President?

In line with College Regulations, candidates for the role of Vice President must meet the following criteria to be eligible to stand for election:

  • To be a Fellow or Member of the College in active practice* in the UK/Republic of Ireland throughout the entire election period
  • To be up to date with their membership subscription
  • To have been nominated by three Fellows or Members (all of whom must also be up to date with their membership subscription)

* For a definition of the term ‘active practice’, please see the FAQs below.

This excludes Trainees who are not yet members, Affiliates, Associates, and Honorary Fellows (including Fellows ad eundem and Fellows honoris causa), who are not eligible to stand in Officer elections.

Individual Vice Presidents may be appointed as ex officio members of the Board of Trustees. All Vice President candidates are therefore required to meet the stated criteria for Trustees, which are outlined in the Declaration of Interests & Good Standing in the candidate pack.

Who can vote in the election?

The Vice Presidents are elected by voting members of the College’s Council.

Only Council members who are Fellows and Members of the RCOG are eligible to vote. This excludes any Trainees and other representatives on Council who are not RCOG Members.

In line with College Regulations, the 2022 ballot will take place at a meeting of Council on Friday 16 September 2022, and those elected will take office on Friday 9 December 2022.

Frequently asked questions

Can I vote in the election?

The Vice Presidents are elected by voting members of the College’s Council, and only Council members who are Fellows and Members of the RCOG are eligible to vote. This excludes any Trainees and other representatives on Council who are not RCOG Members.

Council will elect the five new Officers by ballot at their September meeting, using the Single Transferable Voting system (see below for an explanation of STV). Council members who are entitled to vote but unable to attend in person will be given the option to cast their ballot remotely.

What is meant by active practice?

College Regulations state that a person will only be eligible to be elected as Vice President if she or he is in Active Practice throughout the election period. Regulation 1.1 defines “Active Practice”, in respect of a Fellow or Member, by the following criteria:

  1. Has a valid licence to practise as a medical practitioner from the UK General Medical Council or the Medical Council of Ireland (or any statutory successor to such bodies); and
  2. Is engaged as a medical practitioner in the UK or the Republic of Ireland in the practice of obstetrics and/or gynaecology for which a licence to practice is required in terms of (i) above; and
  3. Is not in arrears with her or his subscription to the College.

How does Single Transferable Voting (STV) work?

You can see an explanation of Single Transferable Voting here:

When will the new Vice Presidents’ term begin?

The newly elected Vice Presidents will assume office at a meeting of Council held in December 2022.

How long is the Vice Presidents’ term of office?

The Vice Presidents will hold office for a term of three years (as defined in Regulation 10.24), at the end of which they shall retire.

Can I stand for Vice President election as a newly elected Council member?

New Council members are entitled to stand for election as Vice President, providing that they fulfil the Vice President nominee criteria detailed in the candidate pack. If a member of Council is elected to any Officer post, her or his place as a Council member will be deemed to be vacant in line with College Regulations.

Can I stand for election as an Officer if I have previously served on Council?

Officer roles and terms are considered to be separate and distinct from those of elected Council members, in line with College Regulations (10.13). As such, current and former Council members who have served their full term(s) on Council are still eligible to stand for election as Vice President, providing they have not previously served in any Officer role (10.23).

Retiring Officers are not eligible to stand again for election as Vice President. They are also not eligible to stand for re-election to Council until three years have elapsed following their retirement as an Officer, and only where they have not already completed their full term(s) as an elected Council member (8.1, 8.2).
