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On this page you will find information about how you can get involved in our work to support and innovate global lifelong learning

To contribute to the strategic development and oversee the quality assurance process of education and training resources, we work with our global membership to deliver programmes of work for all career stages.

Our resources are constantly evolving to ensure we support doctors from foundation to retirement and our education work is vital for the development of future leaders of the profession, which is only possibly with the support of our global membership.

This broad range of work covers:

  • Curricula and assessment
  • Examinations including the MRCOG and DRCOG exams
  • Professional development
  • Learning
  • Specialty and subspecialty training
  • Courses, events and World Congress
  • Our trainee networks
  • International accreditation programmes and the MTI scheme
  • TOG

You can find out more about our committees here.

Current opportunities

Education Resources Adviser

The Education Resources Adviser has overall clinical responsibility for the development and coordination of high-quality education resources for both pre- and post-CCT training and clinical quality in line with the College’s strategic and operational objectives. 

Application deadline: Monday 1 July 2024

Member | RCOG Learning Steering Group

Members of the RCOG Learning Steering Group are responsible for providing expert advice and guidance on new features and content to be added to the RCOG Learning platform, to ensure that the platform is fit for purpose and continues to meet the needs of its core users.

Application deadline: Monday 1 July 2024

Educational Supervisors' Champion | Specialty Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)

The Specialty Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) is responsible for the content, structure and delivery of the Specialty Training Programme. It advises on the eligibility of doctors for the award of the Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) and meets three times a year. This appointment is for a three-year term beginning September 2024.

Application deadline: Thursday 18 July 2024

How volunteers contribute to our work


Volunteers are crucial to the smooth running of the MRCOG exams. Each year, we have a large number of opportunities for Fellows and Members to join our various exams subcommittees, which are involved in setting and modifying questions for MRCOG Parts 1 – 3 and the DRCOG examination. We also rely on volunteers to act as examiners throughout the year.


RCOG committees and groups support the education of the O&G workforce. Volunteers sitting on these committees represent the interests and continuing education of MTIs, trainees and doctors working in subspecialties. Our Trainee Committee, Core Knowledge Editorial Board and Specialty Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) depend on the expertise of doctors throughout the specialty and at every career stage.

Professional development

For doctors interested in supporting professional development, our Professional Development Committee (PDC) has a range of roles that further this important work. Members of the PDC contribute to the publication of TOG, support the revalidation process, help to tackle differential attainment and work with the RCOG Women’s Network and representatives from the SAS-LED Committee.

What our volunteers say

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