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Educational Supervisors' Champion | Specialty Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)

The Specialty Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) is responsible for the content, structure and delivery of the Specialty Training Programme

It advises on the eligibility of doctors for the award of the Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) and meets three times a year.

Responsibilities of the Educational Supervisors' Champion include:

  • Maintaining an oversight over the College’s resources for supporting educational supervision, ensuring that they are up-to-date, reflect current developments and thinking and are compliant with the General Medical Council (GMC) recognition and accreditation of trainers’ scheme.
  • Promoting the role of ES in national workforce discussions, to ensure that time for training is appropriately recognised in line with GMC and RCOG criteria.
  • Keeping abreast of national policies in relation to trainer development, particularly those emanating from the GMC, the Academy of Medical Educators and the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, and represent RCOG at relevant national meetings. 

This appointment is for a three-year term beginning September 2024 and will be appointed by interview.

UK Fellows and Members are eligible to apply for this position.

Please see the role description, person specifications, and other information at the bottom of the page.

How to apply

To apply, please complete the form via the button below. Once completed, you will be asked to share a CV with us via email to


Should you have any additional enquiries please email

Application deadline: Thursday 18 July 2024

Interview date: TBC

What our volunteers say

Role description

Educational Supervisors' Champion

Specialty Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)

Three year term of office commencing September 2024

The Educational Supervisors' Champion coordinates the development of the Educational Supervisor (ES) role within the context of the curriculum. Working with the Vice President (Education), SEAC, the Education Quality Assurance Committee, and the Curriculum Committee.

You will develop mechanisms to support educational supervisors to meet the greater expectation on them. The Lead will look at RCOG resources to support educators, promote the role of supervisors in national workforce discussions and work with deaneries to develop and implement good educational supervision for all trainees, in line with the RCOG’s quality criteria.

  • Promote the role of ES in national workforce discussions, to ensure that time for training is appropriately recognised in line with GMC and RCOG criteria. 
  • Keep abreast of national policies in relation to trainer development, particularly those emanating from the GMC, the Academy of Medical Educators and the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, and represent RCOG at relevant national meetings. 
  • Work with Heads of Schools and other deanery colleagues on specific measures to support ES in their expanded role, and collate good practice/feedback from such measures for wider dissemination.
  • Provide expert advice to the Education Quality Assurance Committee on courses and specialist resources needed for ES. Such advice will be informed by feedback from RCOG committees and individual Fellows, Members and Trainees.
  • Provide expert advice to the Curriculum Committee on the implications of curricular changes for ES.
  • Review ePortfolio evidence as to the performance of the ES role and make regular reports to SEAC as to emerging issues.
  • Coordinate a virtual group of experts when needed to provide additional expert advice.
  • You will be a member of the Educational Quality Assurance Committee, Curriculum Committee and SEAC
  • Vice President (Education)
  • Director of Education
  • Professional Development Committee
  • Education Quality Assurance Committee
  • Education Board
  • SEAC
  • College Tutors
  •  All other members of the Faculty of Educators at RCOG
  • Education Directorate
  • Key external organisations

The Education Quality Assurance Committee meets two times a year, the Curriculum Committee four time a year and SEAC three times a year. The majority of meetings will be virtual. In addition, there will be pieces of work that require the Champion’s attention and external meetings to attend. The time commitment will likely be flexible within the requirements of the role

This role reflects the present requirements for further development of the educational supervisor role, which is key to the delivery of the curriculum and the provision of high quality clinical training. As duties and responsibilities change and develop the role description will be reviewed and be subject to amendment in consultation with the post holder.

The role description will be re-evaluated at the end of the term. 

A new post holder should be appointed six months before the end of the current holder's term of office and they should work closely together during this time in order to facilitate a smooth take-over period.

Person specification


  • Registered with a licence to practice with GMC, in good standing
  • Substantive consultant in obstetrics and/or gynaecology in UK NHS Practice
  • Evidence of annual appraisal
  • Evidence of equal opportunities and diversity training within previous three years
  • Engagement with GMC recognition of trainers process
  • Minimum Tier 3 in the Faculty Development Framework
  • Good knowledge and understanding of the curricula frameworks and ePortfolio


  • Evidence of experience in developing educational events and resources
  • Understanding of the challenges facing ES in their roles
  • Experience of developing trainers in their roles
  • Evidence of leadership experience


  • Experience across the postgraduate medical training and education spectrum
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Excellent presentation skills
  • Familiarity with RCOG’s educational products, specifically those related to the needs of educators and those supporting the delivery of the new curricula
  • Interest in and understanding of the GMC recognition and accreditation scheme
  • An enthusiasm for postgraduate medical education and training


CPD information

The 2019 RCOG CPD Guide can be found here.

Committee chair/member/course convenors and organisers

If within your committee role or work as course convenor or organiser you gain knowledge which enhances patient care or leadership and technical skills (including for example, giving presentations, teaching sessions or mock examining) credits can be claimed as an ‘Experiential Learning Event’.

Reflection is required to claim credits for an Experiential Learning Event. 2 CPD credits are claimable following reflection. In addition 1 or 2 credits are claimable for an action following the learning (1 credit for a simple action, 2 credits for a complex action). To claim credits for an action, the individual needs to demonstrate how they have applied their learning to their practice, the service they provide and/or the potential impact of the learning.

Why get involved with our work

Volunteering with the RCOG is a rich and rewarding experience which offers a range of professional and personal benefits:

  • Professional recognition
  • Build networks and friendships
  • Career development
  • Make meaningful change
  • Wellbeing