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Equivalence Adviser | Equivalence Advisory Group

We are seeking an Equivalence Adviser for the Equivalence Advisory Group.

The Equivalence Advisory Group is responsible for the assessment of applications for the Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration (CESR). The Adviser will participate at least six assessments per year, either by presenting their findings or as a reader, supporting the presenter. 

Tenure for this role: 3 years

The successful candidate will have: 

  • Active involvement in training and education (for example, Educational Supervisor, a member of a School, College Tutor, Foundation Programme Director, Unit Training Director, Director of Medical Education etc.)

How to apply

  • Role description and person specification (Word document 888kb)
  • Application form (Word document)

To apply, please send a completed application form to the Committee Vacancies inbox at

If you have any queries, please contact the CESR Coordinator on

Deadline for applications: N/A (rolling recruitment)
