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Member | RCOG Learning Steering Group

Members of the RCOG Learning Steering Group are responsible for providing expert advice and guidance on new features and content to be added to the RCOG Learning platform, to ensure that the platform is fit for purpose and continues to meet the needs of its core users.

The RCOG Learning Steering Group is responsible for:

  1. ensuring that content on the RCOG Learning platform is engaging and meets users educational needs
  2. reviewing new features/functionality available on the platform to agree the items that would be most useful for users
  3. shaping the growth and diversification of the RCOG Learning audience/content.

The group meets four times a year remotely. 

This appointment is for a three-year term beginning in July 2024 and will be appointed by application. 

UK or international Fellows and Members, Trainees, Associates, SAS doctors/LE Doctors are eligible to apply for this position. In order to be successful, applicants must be able to demonstrate that they are active users of the RCOG Learning platform. 

Please see the role description, person specifications and other information at the bottom of the page.

How to apply

To apply, please complete the form via the button below. Once completed, you will be asked to share a CV with us via email to  


Should you have any additional enquiries please email  

Application deadline: Monday 1 July 2024

What our volunteers say

Role description

RCOG Learning Steering Group Member

Education Board

Three years – from July 2024

Following the successful launch of a new Learning Management System (LMS) in September 2022, RCOG Learning, the College has committed to delivering the following new initiatives on the platform:

  • content uplift
  • diversification of product types
  • a new subscription model
  • bundles of related RCOG products
  • sponsorship model
  • roll-out of Brightspace new features/functionality e.g. discussion forums, gamification
  • identifying opportunities for diversification and growth, for example business to business selling

To facilitate effective delivery of these work-streams and to ensure that the needs of platform users are central to any new developments on the platform, stakeholders have been invited to contribute to the steering group on one or more of the individual projects, to provide expert advice and relevant guidance. Steering group members whose role and expertise best aligns with the remit of a particular area will be asked to contribute to this work-stream.

Key tasks for steering group members include:

  1. Identifying functionality/user experience issues on the platform which need addressing, providing advice to the RCOG on the priority order for fixing issues/bugs.
  2. Contributing to a gap analysis exercise to ensure that all key topics in O&G are covered on the platform, highlighting any areas where further content would be useful and the priority order in which these gaps should be addressed.
  3. To advise on content diversification on the platform, in particular focusing on new interactive formats to deliver content which would traditionally have been delivered as an eLearning resource e.g. podcasts, videos etc.
  4. Input in to the content uplift process on the platform, to ensure that content is engaging to users and meets their educational needs.
  5. Review new features/functionality available on the platform to agree the items that would be most useful for users and suggest a priority order/timeline for when these should be delivered.
  6. To shape the growth and diversification of the RCOG Learning audience including international users and relevant non O&G professionals.
  • RCOG eLearning team
  • Education Resources Adviser

The group meets remotely for one hour every three months. Outside of group meetings members may be asked to undertake work relating to the RCOG Learning platform.

This role reflects the present requirements of the post. As duties and responsibilities change and develop the role description will be reviewed and be subject to amendment in consultation with the post holder.

Person specification

Applications are welcome from across the O&G profession for this role.


  • Knowledge of the RCOG’s education activities and the development of electronic learning resources
  • A strong enthusiasm for eLearning and learning technology innovation
  • Frequent user of the RCOG Learning platform


  • An understanding of instructional design practice related to online learning
  • A qualification in education
  • Knowledge of educational theory and good practice underpinning the construction of training programmes and educational curricula, with particular emphasis on eLearning
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • An enthusiasm for the development of eResources

CPD information

The 2019 RCOG CPD Guide can be found here.

Committee Chair/Member/Course Convenors and Organisers

If within your committee role or work as course convenor or organiser you gain knowledge which enhances patient care or leadership and technical skills (including for example, giving presentations, teaching sessions or mock examining) credits can be claimed as an ‘Experiential Learning Event’.

Reflection is required to claim credits for an Experiential Learning Event. 2 CPD credits are claimable following reflection. In addition 1 or 2 credits are claimable for an action following the learning (1 credit for a simple action, 2 credits for a complex action). To claim credits for an action, the individual needs to demonstrate how they have applied their learning to their practice, the service they provide and/or the potential impact of the learning.

If you are still using the previous CPD ePortfolio, you can record any new learning that you gain within this role under ‘Reflective Learning’ in the personal/professional CPD category. For some specific activities, credits can be claimed without reflection*.


1 credit per hour in the national/international category for giving teaching sessions or leading a workshop on a course

5 credits in the national/international category for giving a formal presentation on a course

1 credit per hour in the national/international category for mock examining

A maximum of 25 credits in each five-year cycle applies for all presentations/teachings sessions given at national/international courses or conferences, and for formal and mock examining.

Terms of reference

The RCOG Learning Steering Group (SG) exists to support the delivery of the Learning Management System (LMS) roadmap activities and to ensure that the platform is fit for purpose and continues to meet the needs of its core users.

Key tasks for the group include:

  1. Identifying functionality/user experience issues on the platform which need addressing, providing advice to the RCOG on the priority order for fixing issues/bugs.
  2. Contributing to a gap analysis exercise to ensure that all key topics in O&G are covered on the platform, highlighting any areas where further content would be useful and the priority order in which these gaps should be addressed.
  3. To advise on content diversification on the platform, in particular focusing on new interactive formats to deliver content which would traditionally have been delivered as an eLearning resource e.g. podcasts, videos etc.
  4. Input in to the content uplift process on the platform, to ensure that content is engaging to users and meets their educational needs.
  5. Review new features/functionality available on the platform to agree the items that would be most useful for users and suggest a priority order/timeline for when these should be delivered.
  6. To shape the growth and diversification of the RCOG Learning audience including international users and relevant non O&G professionals.

The Steering Group:

  • Meets every three months, normally for one hour, with flexibility
  • Requires members to send an appropriate and briefed representative on their behalf if they cannot attend
  • Requires each SG member to update the group
  • Invites others to attend the group meetings as required
  • Records a summary of discussions and an action log following each meeting

eLearning Content Coordinator

  • Education Resources Advisor (Chair)
  • RCOG Head of Education Innovation
  • RCOG eLearning Manager
  • RCOG eLearning Content Coordinator
  • EQAC Chair
  • UK Trainee representatives (ST1-4 and ST 5-7)
  • Educational Supervisor representatives
  • Obstetric consultants (UK and International)
  • Gynaecology consultants (UK and International)
  • SAS/LE Doctors (UK)
Why get involved with our work

Volunteering with the RCOG is a rich and rewarding experience which offers a range of professional and personal benefits:

  • Professional recognition
  • Build networks and friendships
  • Career development
  • Make meaningful change
  • Wellbeing