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On this page you will find information about ways to get involved in our global health work. Please check back regularly for the latest opportunities

Through our global health work, the RCOG delivers on its mission to improve girls’ and women’s sexual, reproductive and maternal health in low and middle-income countries. We collaborate with our membership in all of our global health programmes. On occasion, this collaboration offers volunteering opportunities for our membership to lend their clinical expertise to training and advocacy programmes.

To learn more about the College’s global health work, visit our web page.

How volunteers contribute to our work

Examples of past volunteer roles include:

  • Peer review of clinical guidance and training materials
  • Supporting the development and delivery of training packages
  • Providing technical assistance to global health programmes

Please check this page for the latest opportunities. We occasionally also share volunteering opportunities from our partners also. If you have any questions or would like to register your interest in future volunteering opportunities, please contact the Centre for Women’s Global Health at

What our volunteers say

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Sign up to receive regular communications about the latest opportunities.
