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Research for all survey 2024

Exploring factors affecting career progression into research roles for doctors in obstetrics and gynaecology

The RCOG is committed to addressing inequalities in the O&G profession. This questionnaire has been designed to gather the experiences of O&G doctors, to help us design and target effective initiatives to support equal opportunities within our specialty.

We know many of our UK Fellows, Members and Associates have fantastically rewarding careers that involve research, but also know that this opportunity is not equally available to all.

As part of the College’s wider ambition to identify and address inequalities wherever they are found, we are keen to hear from a diverse range of our Fellows, Members and trainees about their experiences of being involved in research in all its various guises.

The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete and is open to all UK Fellows, Members, Trainees and Associates.


The survey results will be analysed and a short report on the findings will be written by the RCOG Academic Board and published on the RCOG website.

Thank you for taking the time to have your say.


Prof Emma Crosbie

Chair of the RCOG Academic Board