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Opportunity for health professionals to feed into RCOG’s policy project on elective recovery of gynaecology services

Following on from its 2022 report Left for too Long on the size, scale and impact of waiting lists in elective gynaecology across the UK, the RCOG has continued to call for action to address the unequal growth of waiting lists in the specialty. 

Between January and July 2024, we are working to refresh and build on the findings in our Left For Too Long report.

It is important that as part of this work we hear from healthcare professionals who are involved in the diagnosis, care and treatment of women and people with gynaecological and urogynaecological conditions throughout the pathway – from general practice through to specialist care.

Focus groups

As part of a new project to further evidence the impact of waiting lists, and support the development of solutions, the RCOG is hosting a series of focus groups with healthcare professionals working in gynaecology services. These focus groups are for doctors, nurses, allied health professionals and operational leads working in gynaecology services.

Each of the focus groups will start by exploring the impact of growing waiting lists on patient care, on clinical teams, on training and on hospital services more broadly. Focus groups will then explore barriers to reducing waits and potential solutions, with a focus on outpatients or surgery, depending on attendee interest/areas of practice.

The opportunity is open to all UK-based healthcare professionals who care for, or are involved in the planning of care for, women with gynaecological and urogynaecological conditions that are not on the cancer pathway. 

How to apply

To register your interest, please complete the form via the button below. 

Survey of clinicians working in gynaecology services

This survey is for clinicians whose role is wholly or partly in a UK service on an elective (planned) pathway. It is about non-cancerous gynaecological conditions (for example heavy menstrual bleeding, endometriosis, prolapse or menopause care), and not about delivery of gynaecological cancer care or delivery of two-week wait clinics for suspected cancer.

We are looking to hear from a range of clinical professionals including RCOG Fellows, Members, Trainees and Associates, as well as nurses, allied health professionals and other clinical support staff. We also want to hear from operational and administrative staff who support the delivery of gynaecology services.


Please note: There will be further opportunities for healthcare professionals working in general practice to feed into this project. Information on how to get involved will be available soon.

Should you have any additional enquiries, please email

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