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On this page you will find information about the value of getting involved in our work and what our current volunteers say

Every person who volunteers with the College has different motivations and ambitions, but we all work towards the shared goals of improving clinical practice and healthcare for women and girls.

You can sign up here to receive regular communications on the latest opportunities.

What our volunteers say

Over 2,400 members contribute to our work annually, across a wide-range of roles. 

Five reasons to volunteer with your College

1. Professional recognition


  • Be recognised for the unique skills and experience you bring to our organisation
  • Give something back to the profession
  • Exposure to clinicians across the globe

2. Build networks and friendships


  • Volunteer with others passionate individuals to make change
  • Expand your connections by meeting new people
  • Work with dedicated RCOG staff to help deliver our goals

3. Career development


  • Learn new skills and enhance existing ones
  • Volunteering is an excellent way to enhance your CV
  • Address knowledge gaps and pursue ambitions

4. Make meaningful change


  • Inspire future generations of O&G doctors globally
  • Your insight can make a difference to clinical practice and how patients receive care
  • Share your unique experiences to enrich other people’s learning

5. Wellbeing


  • Volunteering is a proven way to improve personal wellbeing
  • Develop new perspectives through varied responsibilities
  • Gain confidence and motivation through rewarding work

Stay informed

Sign up to receive regular communications about the latest opportunities.
