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SAS/LED Representatives | SAS and LED Committee

We are currently recruiting SAS and LED Representatives in the below regions:

  • East of England
  • London: North West
  • London: North East, Central
  • Thames Valley
  • West Midlands

Responsibilities of SAS and LED Representatives include:

  • Accurately represent the views of SAS and LE doctors at a regional level
  • Support the representation of SAS and LE doctors within the RCOG
  • Disseminate information to SAS and LE doctors

The SAS and LED Committee supports, develops and represents the professional needs and experience of SAS and LE doctors at all stages of their careers and membership experience, and meets three times a year typically though not exclusively on a virtual basis. 

This appointment is for a three-year term and will be appointed by interview. 

SAS and LE doctors who are UK Fellows, Members and Associates are eligible to apply for this position.

Please see the role description, person specifications and other information at the bottom of the page.

How to apply

To apply, please complete the form via the button below. Once completed, you will be asked to share a CV with us via email to


Should you have any additional enquiries please email

Application deadline: Thursday 31 October 2024

What our volunteers say

Role description

SAS and LE doctor Representatives in the below regions:

  • London: North West
  • London: North East, Central
  • Thames Valley
  • West Midlands

The SAS and LED Committee

As a SAS or LED representative you would be responsible for:

  • Representing the views of SAS (Specialty, Associate Specialist and Specialist) doctors and LED (Locally Employed Doctors) at a regional level
  • Supporting the representation of SAS and LE Doctors within RCOG, including liaising with your regional RCOG Council representatives
  • Disseminating information to SAS and LE Doctors and encouraging them to engage and provide feedback on matters of importance to SAS and LE Doctors
  • Handing over up to date information on issues and projects of importance to SAS and LE Doctors to a successor at the end of the term

SAS or LED Representatives are expected to:

  • Lead on regional SAS and LE Doctor representation and accurately represent their views at College level
  • Actively canvas SAS and LE Doctors, to gain opinion on current practice and professional development issues
  • Act as the voice of SAS and LE Doctors on RCOG Committees, working groups etc
  • Promote RCOG membership and engagement within the SAS and LE doctor community
  • Feedback to SAS and LE doctors on issues of relevance to them discussed at the SAS and LED committee and other relevant meetings
  • SAS and LED Committee
  • RCOG Council regional representatives
  • RCOG Committees and groups
  • Vice President for Membership and Workforce
  • Director of Membership
  • Head of Workforce and Professionalism
  • SAS and LED Committee, approx. 3 meetings per year, virtual or hybrid. (Representatives will be expected to join at least 2 meetings per calendar year)
  • SAS and LED Representatives may be invited to join additional RCOG Committees and groups to represent SAS ad LE doctors, depending on areas of interest and availability
  • Responding via email to individual enquiries from doctors regarding SAS and LED matters
  • Report on latest activities required for each SAS and LED Committee meeting, preferably in writing and verbal

Travel expenses will be covered if they are incurred in line with the RCOG travel policy.

This role reflects the current requirements of the post. As duties and responsibilities change and develop the role description, will be reviewed and may be subject to amendment in consultation with the post holder. 

Person specification


  • Registered with a licence to practise with the GMC, in good standing
  • SAS or LE Doctor in obstetrics and/or gynaecology in UK NHS practice
  • Evidence of equal opportunities and diversity training within previous three years
  • Must be a Fellow or Member or Associate of the RCOG (fees paid and up to date)


  • Involvement in SAS/LE Doctor representation
  • Experience in Committee work


  • Enthusiasm
  • Commitment
  • Good communication and networking skills
  • Organisational skills
  • Time available to meet demands of role
  • Support of their employing Trust/clinical director

CPD information

Information about the RCOG CPD Framework can be found here.

Committee Chair/Member/Course Convenors and Organisers

If within your committee role or work as course convenor or organiser you gain knowledge which enhances patient care or leadership and technical skills (including, for example, giving presentations, teaching sessions or mock examining) credits can be claimed as an ‘Experiential Learning Event’.

CPD users can now freely select and record the number of credits for all their CPD activities. For Experiential Learning Events, a Reflection is required to claim the selected credits. In addition, 1 or 2 credits can be claimed for an action following the learning (1 credit for a simple action, 2 credits for a complex action). To claim credits for an action, the individual needs to demonstrate how they have applied their learning to their practice, the service they provide and/or the potential impact of the learning.

For those who prefer to follow RCOG recommendations, the CPD Framework still provides a suggested number of credits that can be claimed for different CPD activities.

Further information can be found in the RCOG CPD Framework document.

Terms of reference

To support, develop and represent the professional needs and experience of SAS and LE doctors at all stages of their careers and membership experience in contribution to the College Strategy, specifically:

Strategic Objective 1

We will develop our membership offering to best meet the needs of members globally and the women they serve and expand our reach across the international O&G community.

Strategic Objective 2

We will leverage our brand and world-renowned reputation to develop partnerships and influence UK and international policy to improve women’s health globally.

  • To promote understanding about the nature and potential of SAS and LE (Locally Employed) Doctor posts in our Specialty
  • To promote a SAS Doctor career as a viable, satisfying and alternative career to a consultant one
  • To improve engagement with, and information about and for, these groups of doctors
  • To identify issues preventing SAS / and LE Doctors reaching their full potential in our Specialty
  • To represent SAS/LE doctors across RCOG Boards and Committees
  • To represent RCOG SAS/LE Doctors at external meetings when required (e.g. AoMRC, GMC. NHSI etc.)
  • To promote RCOG membership and engagement with the SAS/LE doctor community to strengthen their voice and representation within the College

The term of each member appointment will be specified at the time of appointment but if not specified shall be three years; renewable for one further term only of three years.

The SAS/LED Committee is flexible and adopts an agile approach to its work, inviting expert advice and co-opting members to the group for specific areas of work, and establishing (and closing-down) any relevant sub-groups such as short life working groups, task and finish groups and advisory networks, as and when they need them. Virtual meetings are expected to be the default and papers will be assumed read, to encourage more dialogue and discussion. 

There is a requirement for all College groups to be inclusive in their approach when seeking broader views across the College and its membership. The SAS and LED Committee must reflect a diverse membership to ensure appropriate representation as outlined in the RCOG Equality, Diversity and Inclusion plan.

External representatives may be included, where appropriate. These attendees may be co-opted members or may be invited to attend for specific meetings or agenda items as and when appropriate. Relevant staff may also be invited to present specific, relevant items of work in contributing to the overall purpose of the SAS and LED Committee. There is a standing open invitation to all College Officers and members of the Executive team.

  • The Committee will meet at least three times a year, typically though not exclusively on a virtual basis
  • SAS and LED Representatives may be invited to join additional RCOG Committees and groups to represent SAS ad LE doctors, depending on areas of interest and availability

Reporting to the Membership Board

Hannah Manwell, Workforce Coordinator

  • Chair (RCOG SAS/LE Doctor Lead and Council Representative)
  • Vice Chairs x 2
  • Vice President for Membership and Workforce
  • Director of Membership
  • Head of Workforce and Professionalism
  • Workforce Coordinator

Regional SAS/LED Representatives:

  • East of England 
  • Kent, Surrey, Sussex
  • North West (incl Mersey) 
  • North East 
  • Northern Ireland (current Vice-Chair)
  • Wales
  • Wessex 
  • South West (Severn)
  • South West (Peninsula) 
  • East Midlands 
  • West Midlands: VACANT POST
  • Yorkshire & Humber 
  • Thames Valley: VACANT POST 
  • Scotland (current Vice-Chair)
  • London S (current Chair)
  • London (NW): VACANT POST
  • London (NE/C): VACANT POST
Why get involved with our work

Volunteering with the RCOG is a rich and rewarding experience which offers a range of professional and personal benefits:

  • Professional recognition
  • Build networks and friendships
  • Career development
  • Make meaningful change
  • Wellbeing