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Around the world 257 million women and girls who want to avoid pregnancy are not currently using safe, modern methods of contraception.[1]

Our goal is to change that, and allow women and girls to control their own fertility, which would result in 70,000 fewer pregnancy and childbirth related deaths per year.[2]

It would reduce the prevalence of unsafe abortion too.

But quality abortion services will always be essential: every year, an estimated 25 million unsafe abortions take place around the world. That makes it is one of the leading causes of pregnancy and childbirth related mortality and morbidity.[3]

Almost every death from unsafe abortion is preventable with the use of effective contraception, provision of quality abortion, and timely post-abortion care. These should all be an integrated, routine component of sexual and reproductive healthcare – and part of mainstream health systems.

The RCOG firmly believes this would improve the health and wellbeing of all those who can get pregnant. It is why we want to see more investment to increase health providers’ capacity to deliver, improve and champion access to these critical services within their diverse national legal frameworks.






Position papers
