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Preventing unintended pregnancies reduces unsafe abortion

Ensure contraception access for all

Unplanned pregnancies can be reduced by ensuring that everyone, including men and boys, are educated and equipped to avoid them.

This can be achieved by ensuring they have access to a choice of contraception, including condoms, long-acting reversible contraceptives and emergency contraception, as well as comprehensive sexuality education.

Access to comprehensive sexuality education (CSE)

Comprehensive sexuality education must be based on unbiased and evidence-based information and be provided in line with human rights standards.

CSE is critical to guaranteeing the rights of all children and young people, and empowering them to make positive health and lifestyle choices.

It can also contribute to reducing unplanned pregnancies and risks to girls’ health, and positive public health outcomes.

Download the full key messages PDF

RCOG and FSRH key messages on safe abortion (PDF 622kb)

Cover thumbnail for RCOG and FSRH key messages on safe abortion
