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In Bangladesh, critical gaps in the availability of skilled gynaecological care have contributed to challenges such as menstrual disorders, cervical cancer, infertility and ectopic pregnancy being identified and treated late, causing morbidity and mortality. Much of this could be avoided by timely interventions to treat conditions at an early stage. Access to quality gynaecological services remains limited, particularly in rural and underserved areas, significantly affecting the health of women and girls.

In April 2022, the RCOG launched the Gynaelogical Health Matters programme (GHM) in Bangladesh, a two-year initiative aimed at increasing access to high-quality gynaecological healthcare by training frontline providers, advocating for systemic prioritisation, and improving healthcare data systems.

Key programme achievements

Training impact

Trained over 100 healthcare providers, including multi-disciplinary staff in Dinajpur and Kushtia, to deliver effective gynaecological care.

Provider feedback

100% of healthcare providers reported satisfaction with the training provided.

Enhanced expertise

91% of participants demonstrated improved knowledge and skills following training.

Driving innovation

Implemented Bangladesh's first gynaecological data recording system, now capturing 95% of gynaecological cases.

Impact in detail

Training healthcare professionals

The GHM programme trained:

  • 26 expert trainers in Kushtia, Dinajpur, and Dhaka to deliver ‘Essential Gynaecological Skills’ (EGS).
  • 76 frontline health providers, with 100% satisfaction and 91% showing improved knowledge and skills.
“As a gynaecologist, I know women and girls face challenges in accessing gynaecological services, including limited awareness and resources, socioeconomic and cultural barriers, and religious beliefs. The GHM programme provided comprehensive protocols that I now follow in my own practice and teach to others.” – Dr. Ashutosh Deb Sharma, Senior Consultant, Dinajpur, Bangladesh

Championing gynaecological health

Facility-level champion teams were established to prioritize gynaecological services. Key results include:

  • 100% patient satisfaction with services.
  • Increased demand for gynaecological care through public engagement talks encouraging women and girls to seek treatment.

Improving gynaecological health data

The programme introduced the first gynaecological patient data recording system in Bangladesh:

  • 95% of gynaecological cases now recorded in district-level facilities.
  • 12,945 patients recorded in just six months.

This data has enhanced understanding of the true burden of gynaecological disease and improved service planning.

Endorsement from key stakeholders

The programme earned endorsements from leading organizations, including IPAS, Save the Children, UNFPA, UNICEF, and WHO.

The Government of Bangladesh fully endorsed the EGS training, and is committed to incorporating it into its National Maternal Health Programme.

Learn more

Discover the measurable impact of our work improving access to gynaecological care for women and girls.

Download the full GHM Bangladesh impact report
