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Our resources

The Centre for Women’s Global Health has developed a number of free resources to promote best practice and improve healthcare provision.

Abortion resources

Abortion Care and Abortion Advocacy eLearning

The Making Abortion Safe Programme’s online learning modules provide health workers, students and educators with practical knowledge about abortion care and abortion advocacy they can apply wherever they work in the world.  

Access the online learning 

Access the summary papers

Best Practice Papers

Best Practice Papers on abortion, post-abortion care, post-abortion contraception and telemedicine for abortion bring together guidance from organisations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the RCOG and NICE.


These papers were updated in 2022 and peer-reviewed by international sexual and reproductive health and rights experts. Those on abortion and post-abortion care are available in English, French, Arabic and Spanish.

If you would like to adapt the Best Practice Papers for your local context get in touch with the Centre for Women’s Global Health on


Read our Best Practice Papers


RCOG and Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health (FSRH) key messages on safe abortion

This document sets out some of the key messages from the RCOG and Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health.


The Centre for Women’s Global Health has developed a range of courses to provide in-service training for healthcare professionals in low-income settings. These include:

  • Essential Obstetric Skills
  • Essential Gynaecological Skills
  • Comprehensive Abortion Care
  • Comprehensive Post-abortion Care
  • Post-abortion Contraception
  • Post-partum Contraception
  • Post-partum Contraception Counselling

To discuss a course with the Centre team, email


Position and Policy Statements

The RCOG has a number of global position and policy statements.

Reducing and managing stigma experienced by providers of abortion care

RCOG and FSRH statement on decriminalisation of abortion, August 2022.  

Joint statement on ‘Abortion reversal’: The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), The Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH), the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) and the British Society of Abortion Care Providers (BSACP).

RCOG self-management abortion statement.

RCOG and women’s health organisations joint statement on stigma and shame in women’s health services.


