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South Asia

Current projects in South Asia, as well as details of RCOG International Representative Committees and Liaison Groups in the region. You’ll also find information about volunteering opportunities, the work other people are doing overseas and how to get in touch with them.

International Representative Committees (IRCs)

  • Bangladesh
    Chair: Professor Dr Fawzia Hossain
  • Myanmar
    Chair: Dr Aye Aung
  • Nepal
    Chair: Dr Sudha Sharma
  • Pakistan
    Chair: Dr Nazil Hameed
  • Sri Lanka
    Chair: Dr U D P Ratnasiri

All India Co-ordinating Committee (AICC)

  • Overall AICC
    Chair: Dr Uma Ram
  • AICC East Zone
    Chair: Dr M M Samsuzzoha
  • AICC North Zone
    Chair: Dr Ranjana Sharma
  • AICC South Zone
    Chair: Dr Sumana Manohar
  • AICC West Zone
    Chair: Dr Sarita Saraiya

Liaison Groups (LGs)

  • India
    Chair: Dr Sameer A Umranikar
  • Pakistan
    Chair: Dr Waseem Lodhi
  • Bangladesh
    Chair: Dr Ashfaque Khan
  • Sri Lanka
    Chair: Dr Sundararajah Raajkumar
  • Myanmar
    Chair: Position vacant, Secretary: Dr San San Aye 

Top women’s health concerns and challenges, identified by our committees:

  • Maternal mortality
  • Rising caesarean section rate
  • Post-partum haemorrhage
  • Delayed referral systems resulting in late diagnoses of gynaecological irregularities
  • Communication skills training
  • Gender relation inequalities affecting women’s access to family planning

Maternal mortality (MM) was one of the two most frequently expressed concerns by South Asian international members. The region has struggled with stagnant numbers and many members are fearful that the data does not reflect reality, as it seems there is no system in place to record maternal deaths. This has been an especially distressing issue in Nepal (particularly in the rural areas).

Secondly, the rising Caesarean Section (CS) rate has become a concern across the board. IRCs fear there is an overall lack of instrumental delivery education within the specialty, thus doctors will turn to CS in the event of complicated childbirth without considering instrumentally assisted birth.

Post-partum haemorrhage (PPH), as a huge contributing factor of MM, was also identified as a health priority area.

Many South Asian members have expressed their frustrations with their respective doctor referral systems, as they often lead to late diagnoses of gynaecological irregularities.

Communication skills training was highlighted as a necessary proficiency to develop for doctors. Generally, doctors lack communications training and support, particularly for delivering difficult news and sensitive information to their patients. Advancing these skills would lead to more respectful interactions with the patient community as well as higher levels of trust.

Gender relations and cultural differences can affect women’s access to post-partum / family planning services. International doctors have identified challenges when providing their patients information about these services for example: at appointments, patients are frequently accompanied by their husband or male family members who prohibit the prescription of family planning methods

Welcome from Jyotsna Acharya, International Council Representative for South Asia

I would like to welcome you to the South Asia International Representative Committee webpage.

It is my privilege to represent South Asia at the RCOG, our most dynamic and active region overseas. I aim to demonstrate the progressive work done by the South Asia membership and further increase participation and contribution by the Fellows and Members and Associates in my region.

I will be the link between the South Asia International Representative Committees (IRC) and the RCOG. I plan to meet periodically with all regional IRCs. Facilitating enhanced co-operation between the International Liaison Groups (ILGs) and IRCs is my aim. I intend to engage with the national and regional societies.

I am the Clinical Lead and consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at Macclesfield, East Cheshire NHS Trust. My special interests are minimal access surgery, high risk obstetrics and medical education.

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any queries or brilliant ideas to discuss.

Best wishes,
