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Chief Executive Officer

Our Chief Executive Officer is Kate Lancaster

Kate joined the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) as Chief Executive in March 2019, having previously held a number of Board Director roles in both the English and Scottish National Health Service, including roles at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS FT, Royal Papworth NHS FT and NHS Forth Valley.

Kate also held senior leadership roles within Cambridge University Health Partners, an academic health science centre, and the eastern academic health science network where she built partnerships across the health service, industry and academia.

Kate has significant leadership experience in the fields of strategy and governance. During her time at Cambridge University Hospitals she played a pivotal role in improving the governance of the organisation to improve the Trust’s CQC rating from Inadequate to Good. Kate has been invited to lead several Cabinet Office reviews of arms-lengths bodies within the Ministry of Defence and Department of Education. 

As CEO of the RCOG, a global organisation working across more than 100 countries, Kate is committed to working with partners to improve the health of women and girls. She has invested in building successful international partnerships for the benefit of women’s health world-wide, and has led the work to establish the women’s health hub at the RCOG in Union Street – creating a growing collaborative community of 10 women’s health organisations, including the Royal College of Midwives.

In addition to her Chief Executive role, Kate is a Non-Executive Director of the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Academic Health Science Network and until recently was a Trustee of Magpas, the Air Ambulance Charity.

Kate mentors a number of senior leaders, is a qualified leadership coach and is an Associate Alumni of the Judge Business School, University of Cambridge. 
