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Advanced Training Committee

Meeting dates (2024)

Meetings are held three times a year and begin at 14:00 GMT:

  • 23 February
  • 17 May
  • 20 September


The Advanced Training Committee oversees the development, approval, and quality assurance of advanced training programmes and modules, ensuring they meet GMC standards and support high-quality patient care.


  • Ensure the overall ATSM programme (in the UK) supports the development of specialist skills and knowledge allowing trained doctors to offer the highest quality of patient care in the UK.
  • Contribute to the accreditation of advanced structured training internationally based on the RCOG Accreditation Framework
  • Be responsible for the development of new Advanced Professional Modules (APMs) and Advanced Skills Modules (ASMs) bearing in mind the potential for credentialing of these modules
  • Be responsible for developing policy, procedure and regulations for all ATSMs / APMs, ASMs, accredited advanced structured training overseas (pre-, post-CCT and overseas) as follows:
    • (a) Approval and validation of new ATSMs / APMs / ASMs / accredited programmes;
    • (b) Review the suitability of existing ATSMs so that they may be undertaken post –CCT and overseas, and can be put forward as credentials
    • (c) QA processes for all ATSMs / APMs / ASMs to include feedback from trainers, trainees, trained doctors, employers, and patients.
  • Contribute to the thorough revision of advanced training that fulfills the needs of both pre-CCT and post-CCT doctors, including candidates for credentials, and advanced structured training suitable for implementation overseas in line with the RCOG Accreditation Framework
  • Develop strategy and ensure coherence for new ATSMs / APMs / ASMs / accredited advanced structure training development and to support short life subgroups as required to undertake specific tasks with appropriate representation from other committees, e.g. Academic Committee and specialist societies
  • Provide evidence of review and quality control required by the GMC relating to ATSMs/APMs/ASMs both pre- and post-CCT. The Committee will work to the curriculum standards defined by the GMC.
  • Ensure that the content of all ATSMs/APMs/ASMs remains coherent and relevant to other  elements of the approved curriculum with emphasis on the relationship between the core, intermediate, advanced, academic and subspecialty training requirements and to continuing professional development purposes.
  • Respond to requests for ATSMs/APMs/ASMs to be changed in accordance with changes in practice to reflect modern developments in UK practice and oversee the necessary submissions to GMC.
  • Work with other College committees (including Specialty Education Advisory Committee, Core Curriculum Committee, Academic BoardSubspecialty Committee, Specialist Societies Committee, Trainees’ Committee and Professional Development Committee, Education Resources Adviser) to allow an integrated approach across all aspects of the curriculum and programme with ATSM/APM/ASM.
  • Supported by the eLearning team, to be responsible for the quality assurance process for online ATSM resources on RCOG eLearning.
  • Provide guardianship for each ATSM/APM/ASM by members of the Committee.

Reporting mechanism

The Advanced Training Committee reports to Specialty Education Advisory Committee.

Administrative support

Specialty Education and Training Department


Role Member
Chair Dr Carmel Ramage FRCOG
Vice President for Education Dr Ian Scudamore FRCOG
ATSM Officer vacant
Representative from Specialty Education Advisory Committee Dr Charles Beattie MRCOG
Representative from Subspecialty Committee Dr Srividhya Sankaran FRCOG
Women’s Network representative Ms Maria Clark
Director of Education Ms Kate Newland

Head of Specialty Education and Training

Elizabeth Goldsmith

ATSM Directors: A full list of ATSM Directors with contact details is available on this page under ATSMs.