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Congress Committee


The Congress Committee is responsible for the organisation of the RCOG World Congress which takes place annually. The Congress is held for 2 consecutive years overseas, and every third year it returns to the UK.

In international years much of the work is done by a local organising committee (LOC) together with a professional conference organiser (PCO). When the event is held in the UK, the Core Committee oversees the work of two sub-committees.

Reporting mechanism

Congress Committee reports to Education Board.


Please send all correspondence to the committee secretary.


Alison Roddam
Tel: +44 20 7772 6446

2024 Programme Committee


  • Mr Dudley Robinson, UK
  • Dr Wadha Alghafri, Oman

Vice Chairs

  • Dr Tamima Aldughaishi, President, OSOG, Oman 
  • Mr Ramesh Ganapathy, UK


  • Dr Sherif Abdel-Fattah, RCOG Council Representative, MEA
  • Professor Hassan Shehata, RCOG Vice President, Global Health  
  • Ashley Wang, RCOG Executive Director, Finance and Commercial
  • Alison Roddam, RCOG Head of Events
  • Lynn Whitley, RCOG Congress Consultant

2024 Abstract Committee


Dr Maryam Al-Shukri, Oman 

Professor Emma Crosbie, UK


  • To oversee the work of the local organising committee/s
  • To monitor the performance of the Professional Congress Organiser
  • To monitor the budget and income and expenditure for the Congress