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Curriculum Committee

Frequency of meetings

4 times a year

Meeting dates


  • 8 December at 2pm


Reporting mechanism

The Curriculum Committee reports to the Specialty Education Advisory Committee (SEAC).


The Curriculum Committee:

  1. Is responsible for the content, format and updating of all College curricula – to include core, advanced and subspecialty.
  2. Ensures that the appropriate assessment tools are developed and incorporated into the curriculum framework.
  3. Considers curricular changes and new curricula for all curricula, ensuring that all such changes receive appropriate scrutiny from other college bodies, e.g. Trainees Committee, Women’s Network
  4. Receives and considers proposed curricular changes from the Advanced Training Committee and the Subspecialty Committee.
  5. Ensures that, together, all curricula form a coherent programme of learning.
  6. Recommends any changes needed to knowledge criteria for the Core Curriculum to the Examinations and Assessment Committee.
  7. Commissions further curricular elements as requested by the Specialty Education Advisory Committee, or Education Board.
  8. Prepares curriculum submissions to the GMC on behalf of the Education Board, in conjunction with the Advanced Training Committee and Subspecialty Committee where appropriate.
  9. Provides the evidence of review, consultation and quality control required by the GMC. The Committee will work to the standards defined by the GMC and those of the Public Sector Equality Duty.
  10. Ensures that all elements of O&G curricula are coherent and up to date
  11. Responds to requests for elements of all curricula curriculum to be changed in accordance with changes in practice and reflect modern UK developments.
  12. Works with other College committees to allow an integrated approach across all aspects of the curriculum and training programme.
  13. Meets 4 times per year (with remote working groups and workshops as required) and reports to SEAC and carries out ongoing work to develop the curricula.


Please send all correspondence to the committee secretary.


Sakinah Takeram
Tel: +44 20 7772 6319


  • Alec McEwan 


Training Programme Director

Anju Aggarwal

RCOG Women’s Network Representative

Maria Clark

Vice Chair, Specialty Education Advisory Committee

Fiona Clarke

Vice Chair, Subspecialty Training Committee

Andrew Drakeley

Chair, Examination and Assessment Committee

Colin Duncan

Education Resources Adviser

Ayman Ewies

Trainees Representative (ST1-5)  

Robert Harper

Trainees Representative (ST6-7)

Niamh Haughey

Differential Attainment Adviser

Rehan Khan

College Tutor Representative

Vanitha Kumar

Chair, Advanced Training Committee

Judith Moore

College Tutor

Andrea Pilkington

Educational Supervisor Champion

Elizabeth Peregrine

Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare representative

Catherine Schunmann

Vice President, Education

Susan Ward

Director of Education

Carly Edwards

Head of Specialty Education & Training

Bettina Cayetano

ePortfolio Manager

Alex Baker
