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Education Quality Assurance Committee (EQAC)

Information for EQAC members

Members of the Education Quality Assurance Committee can download relevant information here (please note you will need to be signed into the website).

Frequency of meetings

Twice per year, remaining work to be undertaken digitally as required.


Reporting mechanism

The Education Quality Assurance Committee (EQAC) reports to Education Board.

Function and terms of reference

EQAC will:

  1. develop an overall strategy for educational QA for approval by the Education Board.  The strategy will encompass all College educational activity and will adhere to the GMC’s Quality Improvement Framework:
  2. provide advice on quality assurance to all College Committees and Directorates concerned with Education.
  3. oversee the two-stage process for education product approval, including non-RCOG course endorsement, according to criteria that are patient-centred, educationally sound and that meet the defined educational needs of specified target audiences. The Committee and the Service and Product Review Innovation Group (SPRIG) review and approve the education product proposal simultaneously.
  4. champion the principles of the GMC’s Quality Improvement Framework and will ensure QA best practice in the College.  The Committee will report on QA matters to the GMC, as required, by means of annual specialty reports, responses to concerns, and other GMC matters.
  5. ensure that the College has the appropriate evidence base and datasets to inform QA judgements in education products. 
  6. ensure that appropriate ongoing benchmarking of education standards and resources takes place, and that information is shared with the appropriate partners. The Committee will share good practice with Education Board.
  7. develop and oversee systems for the regular systematic reviews of all College educational resources. The Committee will determine the structure and content of these reviews and surveys. This will be part of a continuous feedback mechanism from trainers, trainees, patients and others.
  8. ensure that the College’s Learning resources are integrated and complementary, and it will provide a forum for editorial dialogue between the Editorial Board.
  9. have the right to co-opt appropriate advisers for specific pieces of work.




Sakinah Takeram
Tel: +44 20 7772 6319


Andrew Watson


Global Health Board Representative

Dilly Anumba

Trainees Representative

Katherine Barton

Chair Examination & Assessment Committee

Colin Duncan

Education Resources Adviser

Ayman Ewies

Women’s Network Representative

Saschan Fearon-Josephs

Editor in Chief TOG

Kate Harding

Curriculum Committee Representative

Vanitha S Kumar 

Chair, Professional Development Committee

Sambit Mukhopadhyay

Educational Supervision Champion

Elizabeth Peregrine

Joint Honorary Director of Conferences

Andrew Sizer

Joint Honorary Director of Conferences

Dudley Robinson

Vice President Education

Susan Ward

Head of Specialty Education & Training

Bettina Cayetano

Head of Education Innovation

Jo Davis

Director of Education

Carly Edwards

International Education Development Manager

Sarah Morgan

Director of Business Development

Lynn Whitley
