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Global Health Board

Remit, terms of reference, meeting dates and membership for the Global Health Board

Meeting dates (2025)

  • 30 January
  • 12 June
  • 18 September
  • 20 November

Reporting mechanism

The Global Health Board reports to Council.

The following committees report to the Global Health Board:


  • Provide guidance on the strategic direction of RCOG global activity outside the UK and Ireland ensuring alignment with UN Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Receive updates on RCOG global activity ensuring there is a collaborative and consistent approach to RCOG activity overseas.
  • Provide support on the development of relationships with key global partners and stakeholders who will work with the College to aid the delivery of the RCOG’s strategic plan.
  • Understand and promote the local expertise and experience in-country available to the RCOG from its global network of Fellows and Members (including International Representative Committees and Liaison Groups).
  • Advise on the need and purpose of activity in-country, (scale and scope). Provide oversight of delivery to ensure the work it aligned with RCOG strategy and makes the best use of resources.
  • Oversee the work of the Centre for Women’s Global Health providing advice and identifying opportunities to support the delivery of the strategy.
  • In conjunction with the Education Board, oversee the work of the Trainee’s Global Health Committee and the MTI Committee.
  • Review routine reports from the Clinical Study Group for Global Health to ensure better alignment of College research activity with other global work of the College.
  • Consider the role that equality, diversity and inclusion can play in addressing disparities in health outcomes for women.



  • Vice President, Global Health


  • Chair, Global Health Trainees’ Committee
  • Chair, MTI Committee
  • International Council Representative for Australasia, America and Pacific Rim
  • International Council Representative for Europe and Central Asia
  • International Council Representative for Middle East and North Africa
  • International Council Representative for South Asia
  • International Council Representative for Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Chief Executive, RCOG
  • Executive Director of Membership, Global and Governance
  • Executive Director of Education, Quality & Projects, RCOG
  • Executive Director of External Affairs, RCOG
  • International Education Development Manager
  • RCOG Honorary Officers (ex officio)