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Global Health Trainees’ Committee



Reporting to

Global Health Board

Key relationships     


The RCOG Global Health Trainees’ Committee will contribute to the development of the RCOG’s Global Health Strategy, in particular with regard to the role and contribution of trainees with specialist interests and expertise in women’s global health. The Committee is a sub-committee of the Global Health Board and accordingly will make recommendations to the Board.

The main function and terms of reference of the Global Health Trainees’ Committee will be to:

  • Assist the RCOG to help develop, endorse, and realise its Global Health Strategy by co-ordinating and facilitating the role and contribution of trainees.
  • Ensure trainee representation on RCOG Global Health committees, to facilitate knowledge exchange and consistency of dialogue between trainees and the rest of the RCOG.
  • Promote global women’s health issues within the RCOG National Trainees’ Committee
  • Coordinate trainee involvement to contribute to the development/delivery of the RCOG global health strategy.
  • Facilitate knowledge exchange and sharing of expertise between trainees in the UK and international trainees, and other relevant healthcare providers.
  • Encourage greater recognition of the value of global health clinical work and research, both as a component of post graduate training and a distinct career path.
  • Facilitate improved access to relevant women’s health international clinical experience and/or research for UK trainees.
  • Be a network of support and provide guidance on the availability of global women’s health opportunities, and maintain a repository of information to help Trainees, Members and Fellows in the preparation and delivery of their select international placements.
  • Raise awareness of global women’s health issues among UK trainees at both undergraduate and postgraduate stages to inform and help stimulate interest and engagement in global women’s health.


  • Members are trainee doctors from various regions of the UK, at different stages of training with a broad range of expertise
  • Chair and Member terms are 3 years reviewed annually with an additional 1 year possible should circumstances require.
  • Recruitment is via standard College process including consideration of expertise required for the committee remit, geographical reach and stage of training.

Administrative support

Business Coordinator, Education, Quality & Projects.


Please send all correspondence to the committee secretary Ellioté Long (
