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Investment Advisory Panel


Reporting mechanism

The Investment Advisory Panel is an advisory, not a decision making body. Any recommended changes to Policy, fund vehicles/managers, investment or divestment must be approved by theĀ Finance and General Purposes Committee.


  • To review the Investment Policy Statement annually (and in-year, if required).
  • To review the performance of the investment managers.
  • To monitor investment managers, ensuring compliance with stated Investment Policy, particularly on matters of risk, time horizons, liquidity needs and ethical requirements.
  • To review the range of investment vehicles used by the RCOG, ensuring optimum risk/reward balance, suitable cash holding for liquidity requirements and suitability to deliver stated Policy.
  • To periodically organise formal interviews with alternative investment managers, making recommendations on fund movements, as appropriate.
  • To act as the agent of F&GPC, fulfilling their instructions (e.g. liquidating funds for cash).
  • To provide minutes and make recommendations to F&GPC.
  • To carry out other duties as may be determined by F&GPC.


Please send all correspondence to the committee secretary.


  • Chief Executive, RCOG


  • President, RCOG
  • Vice President (Workforce and Professionalism), RCOG
  • Two clinical representatives
  • Three external advisors

In attendance

  • Director of Finance, RCOG