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Patient Safety Committee


Meetings are held quarterly (3x virtual meetings and 1x face-to-face meeting at the RCOG).

About the committee

Through collaboration with the Royal College of Midwives and the Royal College of Anaesthetists, the Patient Safety Committee meets quarterly to discuss the patient safety issues affecting obstetrics and gynaecology services.

The Committee leads on the strategies required for implementing the recommendations provided in national reports, including the latest MBRRACE report, and SHOT report.

The Committee also plans the Improving Quality of Women's Healthcare event that is held at the College. Find the next event on our courses and events listings.


Reporting mechanism

The Patient Safety Committee to the Clinical Quality Assurance Group (CQAG) and Clinical Quality Board (CQB).


The purpose of the Patient Safety Committee (PSC) is to provide a cohesive network for developing guidance and information sharing within women’s health across national and regional organisations and networks.

This will enable the RCOG to identify where it can add value in providing:

  • Feedback on consultations and requests for information on patient safety issues within women’s health.
  • Non-clinical guidance on ‘good practice’ to ensure delivery of best possible care for women.
  • Advice on how to ensure appropriate consent.

The Patient Safety Committee was formerly known as the Joint Standing Committee for Patient Safety, and the Women’s Health Patient Safety Expert Group.


  • Chair - Dr Catherine Calderwood
  • Vice-Chair-Miss Janine Elson
  • 5 RCOG Member/Fellow representatives
  • 1 RCOG Trainee representative
  • 1 RCOG Women’s Network representative
  • Royal College of Anaesthetists representative
  • NHS Improvement representative
  • MBRRACE representative
  • 2 Royal College of Midwives representatives
  • Head of Maternity Safety
  • Head of Guidance
  • Guidance Programme Manager
  • Head of Quality Improvement
  • Director, Clinical Quality
  • Head of Patient and Public Involvement
  • RCOG Communications team representative

Committee Secretary

Please send all correspondence to the committee secretary.

Secretary: Lisa Burke

