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Professional Development Committee

Meetings (held quarterly, 10:30 start)


  • Thursday 1 August 2024
  • Friday 29 November 2024


Reporting mechanism

The Professional Development Committee reports to Education Board.

Terms of Reference

  • To champion the new CPD programme and educational philosophy underpinning it
  • To ensure that the RCOG CPD Programme remains within national standards, including those of the GMC and the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges
  • Evaluating the impact of the new CPD programme
  • To continue to review and modify the RCOG CPD programme
  • To identify educational tools required for the purposes of the RCOG CPD Programme
  • Supported by the eLearning team, to be responsible for the quality assurance process for online CPD resources on RCOG eLearning
  • To support appraisal through relevant CPD
  • Supported by its Equality and Diversity Champion, the Committee will ensure that equality, diversity and inclusivity are at the heart of the CPD Programme
  • Continue to strengthen the voice of women and people who access obstetrics and gynaecology services in CPD to ensure the best possible person-centred care


Please send all correspondence to the committee secretary.


Joaquin Orbea
Tel: +44 20 7772 6307


  • Mr Rehan U Khan MRCOG




SAS/Trust Representative

Dr E Toeima MRCOG

Revalidation Lead

Dr D Roberts FRCOG

Trainee Representative

Dr A C Viner MRCOG

Vice President, Education

Mr Ian Scudamore FRCOG

Women’s Network Representative

Ms R Unstead-Joss

TOG Editor-in-Chief

Dr Kate Harding FRCOG

Clinical Lead - Case Studies for CPD eLearning Resource

Dr S V F Wallace FRCOG

Academic Representative 

Professor S M Quenby FRCOG

Fellow Representative 

Dr N Palaniappan FRCOG

Fellow Representative 

Mr R Sharma FRCOG

Fellow Representative 

Dr A Taylor FRCOG

Director of Education, RCOG


Head of Education Innovation, RCOG


Head of Digital, RCOG

