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RCOG Learning Editorial Board

Formerly called the 'StratOG Editorial Board'


Reporting structure

The RCOG Learning (Core Knowledge) Editorial Board reports to the Education Board.



A RCOG Learning Editorial Board member has two main roles:

  • Responsible for the content of the RCOG Learning Core Training eTutorials
  • Advisory role in the development of RCOG Learning

Terms of appointment

  • Editorial Board members are appointed for an initial term of 3 years
  • Editorial Board members will receive complimentary access to RCOG Learning
  • There is no payment for service as a RCOG Learning Editorial Board member
  • Travel expenses are paid to UK-based Editorial Board members for attendance at Editorial Board meetings
  • Editorial Board meetings will be held 2-3 times a year and Editorial Board members are expected to attend these meetings
  • Other meetings may be convened electronically or by teleconference, as necessary

Working practices – RCOG Learning

  • Editorial Board members need access to the internet via a broadband connection and should be comfortable with working online
  • Editorial Board members are assigned responsibility for approximately 10 RCOG Learning Core Training eTutorials and are expected to help RCOG editorial staff to keep the content up to date and reviewed
  • Editorial Board members can decide how they will work to complete this task, for example:
    • they can do the work themselves
    • they can supervise the current eTutorial author(s)
    • they can recruit new authors for an eTutorial
  • Editorial Board members should review each eTutorial at least annually, or more frequently if required; for example if new guidelines are published that affect the eTutorial
  • Editorial Board members will be available to answer queries or address problems forwarded by RCOG editorial staff

Working practices – future project development

  • Editorial Board members will help RCOG editorial staff to identify and recruit new authors or working groups for future RCOG eLearning projects; for example, resources for consultants
  • Editorial Board members will make suggestions about how RCOG Learning could be developed
  • Editorial Board members will make suggestions for new eLearning initiatives


  • Editorial Board members report to the Editors in Chief, RCOG Learning Core Knowledge
  • In case of dispute, the opinion of the Editors in Chief, RCOG Learning Core Knowledge is final


Editorial Board members will help to raise the awareness of RCOG Learning in the obstetrics and gynaecology community.

Conflict of interest

Editorial Board members will supply the RCOG with a conflict of interest statement, which will be published on the RCOG Learning website.
