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Scottish Committee

Reporting mechanism

The Scottish Committee reports to the UK Membership Board.


Alastair Campbell Co-Chair, and RCOG Scottish Fellows’ Council representative
Colin Duncan Co-Chair, and RCOG Scottish Fellows’ Council representative
Tony Nicol Treasurer 
Hannah Mustafa RCOG Scottish Members’ Council representative
Jen Watson Committee Administrator
Kirstyn Brogan West of Scotland Fellows’ and Members’ representative
Paul Mills Elected South East Scotland Fellows’ and Members’ representative
Mythili Ramalingam Elected East of Scotland Fellows’ and Members’ representative
Sreebala Sripada Elected North of Scotland Fellows’ and Members’ representative
Sarah Court SAS and LED representative
Katie Paul Elected West of Scotland Trainee representative
Laura Stirrat Elected East of Scotland Trainee representative
Mohammed Abdel-Fatah Elected Academic Representative
Claire Alexander Head of School representative
Corrine Love Scottish Government representative
Sinead Cook Chair of the Faculty of Sexual and Healthcare Scotland committee
Michelle Cooper

Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare representative

Abha Maheshwari NRS Clinical Research Lead, Reproductive Health and Childbirth Specialty group
Jacki Lambert Royal College of Midwives representative

