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Welsh Executive Committee

Meeting dates


Thursday 9 Nov: 13:30 via Teams


Reporting mechanism

The Welsh Executive Committee reports to the UK Membership Board.

Aims and objectives

  • To provide expert multidisciplinary clinical advice to Welsh Government (WG).
  • To make recommendations for provision of safe, sustainable, high quality, evidence-based & cost-effective women’s health (maternity & gynaecology) services for Wales.
  • To advise WG and Health Education improvement Wales (HEIW) on matters relating to workforce planning and the education and training of staff involved in the provision of women’s health (maternity & gynaecology) services for NHS Wales.
  • To provide updates on activity to the RCOG Membership Board and RCOG Council.

Read the full terms of reference (PDF 392kb)


  • Chair: Sujeewa Fernando.
  • Vice Chair: Angharad Jones