Vice President for Education
Ian Scudamore has been a Consultant for over 25 years and has clinical interests in reproductive medicine, minimal access surgery, and fetal and maternal medicine, providing each as a clinical subspecialty interest, as well as having a general O&G commitment.
He was instrumental in development of sub-specialty training in fetal and maternal medicine in Leicester and is active training in fetal and maternal medicine and minimal access surgery.
From 2013 until 2022, Ian was Clinical Director for Women’s and Children’s Services at University Hospitals of Leicester. His responsibilities included unification of services across two sites, operational, governance and medical workforce issues, implementation of national programmes to improve care, and lobbying for development of services of national importance.
At the RCOG, Ian has contributed to the examinations for many years, serving on committees including the MCQ, EMQ, SBA (regional lead and then committee) and Part 3 Committee.
Meet the team


Vice President for Membership and Workforce

Vice President for Academia and Strategy

Vice President for Clinical Quality

Senior and Global Health Vice President