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Professor Hassan Shehata

Senior and Global Health Vice President

Hassan Shehata is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and a Consultant Obstetrician and Maternal Medicine Subspecialist. His NHS base is at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals, where he runs busy tertiary maternal medicine and recurrent miscarriage services.

In addition to his College contributions in creating the first Maternal Medicine ATSM and a member of early workforce task forces, his previous roles included three years as the Gulf ambassador and six years as the MENA regional representative on Council.

Hassan is also the Clinical Lead for South-West London Maternal Medicine Network, tasked with starting up the network, creating clinical pathways and safe referral systems, ensuring all women with pre-, ante- and post-natal complex medical conditions have equal accessibility and care, irrespective of their ethnicity, religious beliefs, education, and post code.

Hassan has a strong research background with over 100 peer-reviewed publications including NEJM, Lancet and BMJ. His research interests include recurrent miscarriages, obesity, diabetes, renal disease, and obstetric cholestasis.

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