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British and Irish Association of Robotic Gynaecological Surgeons (BIARGS)

Who we are

BIARGS was founded in 2010 by a group of British and Irish gynaecologists who were setting up the first robotic programmes in gynaecological surgery. The society has membership from both benign and malignant gynaecological subspecialties. Membership is available to consultants, trainees, nurses, surgical care practitioners and allied healthcare professionals with an interest in gynaecological robotic surgery. The membership of society makes it unique gynaecological surgical specialty to involve multidisciplinary theatre team.

What we do

The Association aims to provide a platform for gynaecologists who use robotics to:

  • Contribute to training of future gynaecologist
  • Set standards for robotic gynaecological training
  • Undertake multi-platform training courses (Robotic basic , intermediate and advanced courses)
  • Step wise progression in robotic training using BIARGS curriculum (published 2019) for robotic bed side and console surgeon
  • Training curriculum and Robotic STIM (BIARGS RCOG RAGS)
  • Facilitate safe implementation of gynaecological robotic surgery
  • Promote the use of robotics in surgery
  • Exchange ideas and assist each other
  • Establish strong links between oncological and benign gynaecological surgeons doing robotics
  • Set standards and guidelines
  • Establish a forum for promoting education
  • Conduct research and audit
  • Set standards for bench marking robotic gynaecological practice
  • Set standards for gynaecological robotic surgeon certification and accreditation.
  • Provide educational and CPD forum for members
  • Develop industry partnerships

How we do this

  • Establishing positive links with the RCOG
  • Developed robotic RCOG SITM
  • Published RCOG SIP in gynaecology robotic surgery
  • Holding an annual scientific meeting (ASM)
  • Educational online webinars
  • Promote and contribute to RCOG Annual Congress and Professional development forum
  • Close affiliation to the Society of European Robotic Gynaecological Surgery (SERGS) and other international partners
  • All BIARGS Members are automatically members of SERGS and qualify for all BIARGS and SERGS discounted conference fees.
  • Contributing to the Robotic benchmarking database of clinical outcomes in robotic surgery ( BIARGS accreditation programme)

Contact us

  • President: Nahid Gul
  • Vice President: Simon Butler- Manuel
  • Secretary: Sujata Gupta
  • Treasurer: Dina El-Hamamsy
  • Website: