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British Fertility Society (BFS)

Who we are

With the encouragement of IVF pioneer Patrick Steptoe, the British Fertility Society (BFS) was founded in 1972 by a small group with a common interest in infertility. Since then, the burgeoning knowledge in this exciting area of medicine has resulted in the development of many new reproductive technologies and their introduction into clinical practice.

What we do

The interests of the BFS have broadened to a range unimaginable 40 years ago. The Society has grown alongside the development of our specialty and we now actively promote the sharing of knowledge, further education and raising standards of practice.

Today, the Society recognises the multidisciplinary nature of the science and practice of reproductive medicine and welcomes andrologists, counsellors, embryologists, endocrinologists, nurses and other professional groups working in this field into its membership.

How we do this

The activities of the BFS are directed by the Executive Committee, elected by the membership. A number of sub-committees have remits for specific areas, namely training, policy and practice, meetings and website. The committees meet quarterly and report to the Annual General Meeting at the Annual BFS Meeting.

Contact us

Chair: Jane Stewart

Treasurer: Ginny Bolton

Secretary: Raj Mathur



Tel: +44 1454 642217

Address: Profile Productions Ltd, Boston House, 69-75 Boston Manor Road, Brentford, Middlesex, TW8 9JJ
